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摘 要 JAVA技术开发了基于Web的在线用户管理模块、在线商品销售模块、在线后台管理模块。实现了最重要的商品销售功能,也就是管理库房中的商品,及管理用户的购物车,从而实现结帐等一系列功能。另外网上商品销售系统还提供给用户查找数据库中商品相关记录的功能。同时,为了保证商品交易的正常进行,还实现了用户的登录注册功能。网上商城系统按照软件工程的要求,对系统进行需求分析,总体设计,详细设计,编码与测试,在此基础上将理论知识与开发技术运用到系统的实现过程当中,完成了网上商城平台的构建。经过大量的系统测试发现,JAVA网站的访问速度较块,安全性较好,有很强的实用性。 本论文详细介绍了开发网上商城的全过程,是按软件工程的思想设计的 ,包括需求分析、系统总体设计、系统详细设计等。 本系统具有多方面特点:系统功能完备,使用方便简捷,人性化的用户界面,安全必威体育官网网址设置齐全,节省经营成本,大大减少了操作人员的工作负担。 关键词 购物车,数据库管理,网上商城 Abstract To develop the web shop system exist two issues. One is the background management the other is the convenience operation for consumers this article take the database development as the basic start use the JAVA technology to develop web-based online user management module online book sales module online background management module. It implement the most important book sale function i.e. manage the shop and shopping car of consumer thus it implement a series of functions such as check-out In addition, the online book sale system is also provided searching the database record function to consumer. Mean wile in order to guarantee the normal trade. the system implements a registered user login function. Web shop systems conform to the specification of soft project, the system needs analysis, design, detailed design, Coding and testing, on this basis, taking the theoretical knowledge and development of technologies to the system implementation process complete the web shop platform building. This manual in details introduced to develop the web shop system in the Internet, is thought design that press the software engineering of, include detailed design etc. of total design, system of need analysis, system. This system has the various characteristics: The system function is complete, using convenient, humanized customer interface, the safety keeps secret to establish well-found, economical management cost, reduced to operate the personnels work burden consumedly. Key Words Cart,Dataase Management,Web shop 目 录 I Abstract II 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 课题背


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