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PAGE  毕业设计(论文) 龙门式数控钻床机械结构设计 The Mechanical Structural Design For Gantry CNC Drilling Machine 学生姓名 所在院系 所学专业 所在班级 指导教师 教师职称 完成时间 : 周 海 东 : 机 电 学 院 : 机械设计制造及其自动化 : 机制0545 : 杜 华 : 教 授 : 2009年6月18日 长 春 工 程 学 院 摘 要 近些年来,国内外机床工业的发展十分迅速,以数控为特征的现代化机床在生产中广泛应用。在工农业生产中,经常会碰到一些大型回转体类零件,其上需加工很多孔。用普通机床对其加工往往会遗漏,而小型数控加工中心则难以对其进行加工。本课题就是针对这一问题,设计一台龙门式数控钻床,专门适合对这一类零件进行钻削加工。它不仅大大减轻了操作者的劳动强度,而且大大提高了劳动生产率。 本次设计包括了数控钻床的主要机械结构,其中包括:主轴箱中的主传动系装配;进给系统中的工作台装配和传动系统中的丝杠螺母等设计。同时,将各项相关技术合理运用,以达到最优化设计的目的。 机械制造工业是国民经济的基础。机床工业则是机械制造工业的基础,它在国民经济中起着至关重要的作用,但我国机床工业与发达国家相比还有较大差距,我们必须奋发图强,努力工作,以便早日赶上世界先进水平。 关键词 数控钻床 主轴箱 工作台 丝杠螺母 Abstract In recent years, domestic machine tool industry developed rapidly, to a modern CNC machine tool is characterized by widely used in the production. In the industrial and agricultural production, often encounter a number of large-scale rotating body parts, its a lot of holes to be processed. Ordinary machine tools are often left out of its processing, and small-scale CNC machining center is difficult to carry out its processing. The subject is a response to this problem, the design of a gantry CNC Drilling Machine, specifically suited for this type of drilling parts. It not only greatly reduces the operators labor intensity and labor productivity increased significantly. The design includes a CNC drilling machine of the main mechanical structure, including: the main spindle box powertrain assembly; feeding system table in the assembly and the lead screw nut drive system design. At the same time, the related technology will be used in a reasonable manner, so as to achieve the purpose of optimum design. Machinery manufacturing industry is the foundation of the national economy. Machine tool industry is the basis of mechanical manufacturing industry, which in the national economy plays a vital role, but Chinas machine tool industry and still a wide gap between develope


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