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(PLC交通灯设计) ? ?目录 ? ?摘要 ………………………………………………………??? 3 ?一 PLC的基础知识…………………………………………?? 5 ?1.1 概述………………………………………………………?? 5 ?1.2 PLC的由来………………………………………………?? 5 ?1.3 PLC的定义………………………………………………?? 6 ?1.4 PLC的基本结构和工作原理……………………………?? 6 ?1.5 PLC的基本性能指标……………………………………?? 14 ?二? 实训…………………………………………… 16 ????? 2.1 十字路口交通信号灯设计控制要求................? 16 ????? 2.2 控制思路设计步骤..............................? 17 ?2.21 硬硬件及外围元器件………………………………….? 18 ?2.22 软件设计及调试………………………………………?? 20 ?2.23 基本指令系统…………………………………………?? 21 ?2.3 梯形图…………………………………………?? 23 ???? 工作过程………………………………………?? 26 ?2.4 助记符语言……………………………………?? 27? ?? 设计总结……………………………………?? 31 ?? 参考文献……………………………………?? 32 ?关键字:交通灯、PLC、自动控制、国际化 ? ?摘?? 要 ? ?近年来随着科技的飞速发展,PLC的应用正在不断地走向深入,同时带动传统控制检测日新月益更新。在实时检测和自动控制的单片机应用系统中,单片机往往是作为一个核心部件来使用,仅单片机方面知识是不够的,还应根据具体硬件结构,以及针对具体应用对象特点的软件结合,加以完善。 ?交通信号灯的出现,使交通得以有效管制,对于疏导交通流量、提高道路通行能力,减少交通事故有明显效果。随着中国加入WTO,我们不但要在经济、文化、科技等各方面与国际接轨,在交通控制方面也应与国际接轨。俗话说“要想富,先修路”,但路修好了如果在交通控制方面做不好道路还是无法保障畅通安全。作为交通控制的重要组成部份的交通信号灯也应适合社会实际情况。因此,本人选择制作十字路口交通灯。 ? ?Key word: Traffic light, PLC, automatic allies control。 ? ?Abstract ? ?With the development at full speed of science and technology in recent years, the application of the one-chip computer is moving towards deepening constantly, drive tradition is it measure crescent benefit to upgrade day to control at the same time. In measuring in real time and automatically controlled one-chip computer application system, the one-chip computer often uses as a key part, only one-chip computer respect knowledge is not enough, should also follow the structure of the concrete hardware , and direct against and use the software of targets characteristic to combine concretly, perfect . ?The appearance of the traffic signal lamp , make the traffic be controlled effectively, for dredging the flow of traffic, improving the traffic capacity of the road, there are obvious results to reduce the traffic accident. As China joins WTO, we will not only be in line with international standards in such different fields as econom


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