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In Relation to the Materials Methods Section what has been done the consequent data In Relation to the Introduction the consequent data the question posed in the Introduction. A Challenge Do not simply transfer the data from your laboratory notebook to the Results section; present representative(典型的) data rather than endless repetitive (重复的) data. Two Ingredients of the Results Section Presenting some kind of overall description of the experiments, hence providing the “big picture,” without, however, repeating the experimental details previously described in the Materials and Methods Section. Presenting the data. Be Aware of Scientific Economy Scientists attempt to abstract the information into the form that is most simplest and aesthetically(审美地)most pleasing—the combination called elegance—while yielding the largest amount of information with the least amount of effort. —Edward O. Wilson Strive for Clarity Short (the shortest section if it is preceded by a well-written Materials and methods section and followed by a well-written Discussion) Sweet (without verbiage空话) A Quote from a Genius “If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor(裁缝).” —Einstein Another Quote —Put in Another Way “The compulsion to include everything, leaving nothing out, does not prove that one has unlimited information; it proves that one lacks discrimination.” —Aaronson(1977) One More Quote for a Better Understanding “The fool collects facts; the wise man selects them” —Powell (1888) From the Editor’s Point of View Preferring a little bit of predigestion (简化).. Avoid Redundancy Do not repeat, in words, what is already apparent to the reader from the examination of the figures and tables. Do not make an actual presentation, in the text, of all or many of the data shown in the table or figures. How to Handle Numbers Treat a few determinations(项) or data descripti


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