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PAGE  摘要 白沙水库位于淮河流域沙颖河上游,坝址位于河南省禹州市与登封市交界的白沙村以北300m处。,水库控制流域面积为985km2,占颖河流域面积7230km2的13.6%,占颖河山丘区流域面积1900km2的51.8%,是以防洪灌溉为主,兼顾工业供水、水产养殖、旅游等综合利用的大型枢纽工程。白沙水库总库容2.78亿m3,,按国标《防洪标准》规定,白沙水库工程等别应为大(2)型,泄洪闸为2级建筑物. 泄洪闸设计标准为100年一遇,校核标准为2000年一遇。据《溢洪道设计规范》(SL253—2000)闸下防冲设计标准按50年一遇,校核标准100年一遇。 本次设计是白沙水库除险加固工程中的溢洪道设计.其中包括以下几个方面内容:方案的比较和选择以及水力计算,结构稳定性计算(包括边墩,中墩和挡土墙稳定基底应力计算),简单的施工组织设计等几个方面 关键词: 溢洪道 中墩 水库 结构稳定性 颍河白沙水库溢??道泄洪闸设计 PAGE  PAGE 26 abstract The Baisha reservoir is located upstream of Huaihe River basin Sha Yinghe, the dam site is located the Henan Province Yuzhou and the Dengfeng city border Baisha village by northern 300m place. The reservoir control drainage area is 985km2, occupies Ying river drainage area 7230km2 13.6%, occupies Ying river massif area drainage area 1900km2 51.8%, is by prevents floods and the irrigation primarily, proper attention to both industrial water supply, aquaculture, traveling large and so on comprehensive utilization large -scale key project. Baisha reservoir total storage capacity 278 million m3, Flood prevention Standard stipulated according to GB code, The Baisha reservoir project bank should be is big (2), The floodgate is 2 levels of buildings, the floodgate design standard is 100 years as soon as meets, The examination standard is in 2000 as soon as meets. According to Spillway Design Standard (SL253 -2000) under the floodgate the design standard of Disappearing energy and guarding against flushes meet according to 50 years, The examination standard meet as soon as 100 years. This design is the Baisha reservoir except dangerous reinforcement project in spillway design, including following several aspects content: Plan comparison and choice as well as water power computation, structural stability computation including side pillar,center pillar and bulkhead stable basis stress computation, simple construction organization plan and so on several aspects Key word: spillway center pillar reservoir struc


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