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基于VB的抄表管理系统的设计 摘要 传统的抄表管理都是由工作人员手工查表,抄表完成的,其中要完成用户电费的收取,每月电度抄表,用户购电情况查询,以及列出欠费用户的名单之类的信息.其工作强度大,工作流程繁琐,由于工作人员的不细心,造成电费收支出错的情况也是经常发生的.鉴于以上原因我们有必要开发一种帮助电费管理人员进行抄表管理的软件系统。 抄表管理系统是为了实现电业系统的规范化和自动化从而提高企业管理效率而设计的。它完全取代了原来一直用人工抄表的工作方式,避免了由于管理人员的工作疏忽以及管理质量问题所造成的各种错误,为及时、准确、高效地完成电表抄表管理提供了强有力的工具和管理手段。抄表管理系统是一个中小型数据库管理系统,作为计算机应用的一部分,使用计算机对用电信息进行管理,有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点。例如:检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高等。这些基本满足了抄表管理的需求。 本系统是在以ACCESS2000作为后台数据库,以Visual Basic 为编程语言来开发的。抄表理系统在运行阶段,效果好,数据准确性高,提高了工作效率,同时也实现了抄表管理计算机化。 关键词 :Visual Basic , Access数据库, 抄表管理 Based on VB meter reading management system design Abstract Traditional meter management by the staff manual look-up table, meter reading, in which to complete the user tariff charged monthly electric meter, power purchase inquiries, and a list of the arrears user information list.sort of information. the strength of its work, tedious work processes and staff are not careful, will result in tariff revenues and expenditures error often happens in view of the above reasons, we need to develop a way to help the electricity management software systems. Meter management system is designed in order to achieve the standardization and automation of electrical systems to improve the efficiency of enterprise management. It completely replaces the original has been the work of manual meter reading to avoid a variety of errors caused due to negligence of the management staff and the quality of management, timely, accurate, and efficient utility metering management provides a strong tools and management tools. Meter management system is a small and medium-sized database management system, as part of the computer applications, the use of computers to manage the power consumption information, with the incomparable advantages of manual management. For example: the rapid retrieval, easy to find, and high reliability. Basically meet the needs of the meter reading management. This system is in ACCESS2000 as back-end database to Visual Basic programming language to dev


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