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高压介质损耗测实在中压XLPE电缆中的运用研究 摘要 电线电缆行业在迅速的发展过程中,其存在的问题也逐渐暴露出来。尤其是在早期制作的电缆中存在的主要由水树生长引起的电缆老化问题严重的影响了电缆的绝缘性能以及电力系统的可靠性和稳定性。本实验中,我们将硅氧烷修复液注入老化的XLPE电缆中进行修复,用测量绝缘电阻、泄露电流及进行耐压实验来验证修复效果,发现修复后绝缘电阻增大,泄露电流减小,耐压水平增强,得出初步结论:修复后老化电缆中的水树已基本消除,电缆绝缘性能良好。最后我们利用HV9006高压介质损耗测实仪精确测量修复后的介损值大小来对修复效果作进一步验证,得出的数据证明电缆各相修复后介损值均处于较低水平,再次验证了采用硅氧烷修复液注入方法修复XLPE电缆的可靠性。 关键词:XLPE电缆;介损;HV9006;修复 ABSTRACT While the wire and cable industry is in a rapid development process, its problems are exposed gradually .Especially in the early production of the cable ,the water treeing cable aging problem has caused serious impact on cable insulation performance and the reliability and stability of power system.In this experiment, we will siloxane repairing liquid into the aging XLPE cable for repairing,and with the measurement of insulation resistance, leakage current and voltage withstand test to verify the effect of the repair.We found leakage current decreases, pressure level enhancement after the repair of insulation resistance increases, so we can obtain a preliminary conclusion: after the repair of aging cable,the water tree in the cable has been basically eliminated, the cable insulation performance is perfect.Finally, we used HV9006 high-voltage dielectric loss test instrument to accurately measure the effect after the repair for further validation, derived data prove that the cable phase after repair of dielectric loss value is in low level, once again proved the reliability of the repairing method. Key words: XLPE cable; dielectric loss; HV9006; repair 目 录 1绪论 4 1.1电力电缆发展简史 2 1.2交联聚乙烯电力电缆(XLPE)简介 2 1.3电缆运行现状 4 1.4电缆老化及修复 5 1.5 本文主要研究内容 6 2电缆水树老化及检测 6 2.1水树的基本概念 6 2.1.1水树的定义 7 2.1.2水树的分类 7 2.2水树的产生、危害及防治 7 2.2.1水树的产生机理 7 2.2.2影响水树生长的因素 8 2.2.3水树的危害 9 2.2.4水树的防治 9 2.3常见的水树检测方法 10 2.3.1介质损耗正切角值法 10 2.3.2交流叠加法(差频法) 11 2.3.3谐波分量法 11 2.3.4直流法 11 2.3.5残留电荷法 13 2.3.6局部放电检测法 15 2.3.7测量绝缘电阻 15 2.3.8水树检测方法总结 16 3电缆老化及修复实验 16 3.1电缆的制作 17 3.2 绝缘老化实验 18 3.3电缆修复实验 19 3.4绝缘电阻及泄露电流测量实验 20 3.5低


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