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摘 要 随着中国钢铁工业的飞速发展,中国的焦化工业呈现高速增长趋势,2003年焦炭总产量约占世界焦炭总产量的46%,出口焦炭约占世界焦炭贸易总量的56%,中国已成为世界焦炭生产、消费及贸易第一大国。焦化废水是煤在高温干馏过程中以及煤气净化、化学产品精制过程中形成的废水,水质随原煤组成和炼焦工艺而变化,是一种典型的难降解有机废水。废水中含有焦油、酚、氰、氨及大量有机物,其成分复杂,毒性大,它的超标排放对人类、水产、农作物都可构成很大的危害。而选煤中需用到大量的水,因此,研究焦化废水是否可以应用到选煤中是我们极有必要进行试验的重要课题。本文以盘子棋煤为研究对象,在1L浮选槽中不同剂量的捕收剂柴油、起泡剂仲辛醇条件下,研究了使用自来水和焦化废水对煤的浮选效果的影响。试验结果表明与自来水选煤效果相比,使用焦化废水后,均可以不同程度地提高精煤的产率,尾煤灰分也是提高的,可将焦化废水用于选煤生产。焦化废水选煤试验中,在矿浆浓度为100g/L条件下1L矿浆的最佳药剂制度为0.04ml的起泡剂和0.40ml的捕收剂。 关键词:焦化废水,选煤厂,浮选,浮选药剂 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of Chinas steel industry, Chinas coking industry fast grows.The total output of coke in 2003 accounted for about 46% of the worlds total output of coke, export coke about 56% of the total of worlds coke trade, and China has become world coke production, consumption and trade superpower. Coking wastewater is theprocess of coal carbonization at high temperature and gas purification, chemical products formed during the waste water purification, water quality, composition and coking coal with the change process is a typical refractory organic wastewater. They may contain tar, phenol, cyanide, ammonia and a large number of organic compounds, their complex composition, toxicity, and its excessive emissions on humans, aquatic products, crops can be a great harm. Preparation of the need to rely on large amounts of water, and therefore the study can be applied to coking coal preparation waste water is imperative that we tested an important issue. This paper, with coal chess in 1L flotation cell flotation of different doses of diesel oil and foaming agent , study the coal flotation effect of using water and wastewater . The results showed that compared with the effect of water Coal, coking wastewater after use, can significantly enhanced the yield of clean coal, coal ash is enhanced tail can be used for coking coal preparation waste water production. Coal coking wastewater experiments, the best pharmaceutical system as 0.04ml foaming agents and 0.40ml collector of


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