OFDM 系统中一种基于LMMSE 的半盲信道估计算法.pdf

OFDM 系统中一种基于LMMSE 的半盲信道估计算法.pdf

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第 39 卷第2 期 Vo l. 39 NO.2 吉林大学学报(工学版) 2009 年 3 月 Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) Mar. 2009 OFDM 系统中一种基于 LMMSE 的 半盲信道估计算法 周 洁,赵晓晖,林高三 (吉林大学通信工程学院信息科学实验室,长春 130012) 摘 要:为克服信道冲激响应长度大于导频数时出现系统性能下降,适应存在大量多径的恶劣 信道环境,本文对 OFDM 系统基于 MLE 的半盲信道估计算法进行了改进。该算法采用非均 匀间隔导频排列方式以获得更小的系统均方误差。通过简化导频数提高了系统频带利用率, 利用奇异值分解进一步简化了算法复杂度。仿真结果表明:如充分利用信道统计信息,在导频 数目很少、信道长度很大和低信噪比时,本文提出的算法能够以较低复杂度实现精确的信道估 计,从而验证了该算法的有效性和优越性。 关键词:通信技术;半盲信道估计;OFDM 系统; LMMSE; SVD; 非均匀间隔导频 中图分类号:TN911. 72 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-5497(2009)02-0508-06 Improved semi-blind channel estimation algorithm based on LMMSE for OFDM system ZHOU Jie , ZHAO Xiao-hui ,LlN Gao-san (Laboratory of Information Science , College of Communication Engineering , J ilin University , Changchun 130012 , Chiηa) Abstract: In order to overcome the disadvantages of system performance degradation 0日 the condition of pilot numbers smaller than channel impulse length and bad channel environment in many paths , an improved semi-blind channel estimation algorithm based 0日 MLE for OFDM system was presented. The proposed algorithm ca口 reach small system mean square error with non-u日1日formed pilots. And by the reduction of pilot numbers , frequency resource of the system is increased. In additio日, with singular value decompositio日, the algorithm computational complexity ca口 be simplified. It is known from the simulation results that when full use of channel statistical informatio日, u日der the condition of small number pilots , long channel impulses and low SNR , the proposed algorit


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