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TSC2046 SBAS265G − OCTOBER 2002 − REVISED JANUARY 2008 Low-Voltage I/O TOUCH SCREEN CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION SAME PINOUT AS ADS7846 The TSC2046 is a next-generation version to the 2.2V TO 5.25V OPERATION ADS7846 4-wire touch screen controller which supports 1.5V TO 5.25V DIGITAL I/O a low-voltage I/O interface from 1.5V to 5.25V. The INTERNAL 2.5V REFERENCE TSC2046 is 100% pin-compatible with the existing DIRECT BATTERY MEASUREMENT (0V TO 6V) ADS7846, and will drop into the same socket. This allows ON-CHIP TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT for easy upgrade of current applications to the new TOUCH-PRESSURE MEASUREMENT version. The TSC2046 also has an on-chip 2.5V QSPI AND SPI 3-WIRE INTERFACE reference that can be used for the auxiliary input, battery AUTO POWER-DOWN monitor, and temperature measurement modes. The AVAILABLE IN TSSOP-16, QFN-16, AND reference can also be powered down when not used to VFBGA-48 PACKAGES conserve power. The internal reference operates down to


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