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* 1.原级的基本用法:as….as…..其否定式形式为:not …as… as .说和读一样重要。 Speaking is as important as reading. .说不如读重要。 Speaking is not as important as reading. Speaking is less important than reading. 2.原级的特殊用法:倍数 你比他高三倍。 You are three times as tall as he. 形容词的比较级 elder sister ; Mr. Li is older than Mrs. Li. 1比较级的基本用法:…than … 我比你年龄大。 I’m older than you. 2比较级的特殊用法: (1)表示倍数:如:你比他高三倍。 You are three times taller than he. (2)表示高几米,大几岁等:如:他比我大2岁。 He is two years older than me. (3)表示“比其他任何…都…”如: 他在我们班里比任何其他学生都小。 He is younger than any other student (the other students) in our class.= He is the youngest in our class. (4)表示“越来越…” 如:你正变得越来越美。 You are getting more and more beautiful. 天气正变得越来越暖和。 The weather is getting warmer and warmer. (5) 表示“越…,就越…” 如:你越仔细,你犯的错误就越少 The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. (6)表示“两个中比较…的” 如: Lucy 是两个女孩中较矮的那一个。 Lucy is the shorter of the two girls. (7) 在选择问句中:你和你的妹妹谁更瘦? --Who is thinner, you or your sister? 1 最高级的基本用法:有 of, in, among 时. 你在我们班是最好的。 You are the best in our class. 2最高级的特殊用法: (1) one of the +最高级+复数名词 你是我们班上最帅的男孩之一。 You are one of the most handsome boys in our class. (2) 你我他,谁最聪明? Who is the cleverest , you , he or I ? (3) He is the shorter (short) of the two boys. the +形容词比较级+of the two 表示“两个中比较…的” 1 我起床比你早:I get up earlier than you. 2. 我喜欢春天胜过冬天: I like spring better than winter. I prefer spring to winter. 3他们走的越来越慢: They walk more and more slowly. 副词的比较级 4 我跑的比你快的多。 I run much/far faster than you. 5. 你学习月刻苦,你得到的就越多。 The harder you are, the more you will get. 6. 在我们班你写的最仔细。 You write most carefully in our class. *


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