数据通讯与计算机网络讲义 07章.ppt

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数据通讯与计算机网络讲义 07章.ppt

第7章 传输介质 7.1 导引介质 双绞线(Twisted-pair cable) 抑制共模干扰 UTP and STP (unshielded, shielded) 600 MHz 200 MHz 100 MHz 20 MHz 16 MHz 2 MHz very low Bandwidth LANs Digital 600 Mbps 7 (draft) LANs Digital 200 Mbps 6 (draft) LANs Digital 100 Mbps 5 LANs Digital 20 Mbps 4 LANs Digital 10 Mbps 3 T-1 lines Analog/digital 2 Mbps 2 Telephone Analog 100 kbps 1 Use Digital/Analog Data Rate Category of UTP UTP connector R+ R— T+ X X T— X X DCE (Hub的负载端口) T+ T— R+ X X R— X X DTE (网卡端,Hub的UpLink端口) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RJ-45 引脚 UTP performance Coaxial cable 50 W 50 W 75 W Impedance Thick Ethernet RG-11 Thin Ethernet RG-58 Cable TV RG-59 Use Category BNC connectors Coaxial cable performance f (MHz) Optical fiber Propagation modes Fiber construction 光缆 缆芯:单芯型,多芯型。 加强元件:在光缆的中心或四周加一根或多根加强元件。加强元件的材料为钢丝、合成纤维或增强塑料。 护层:内护层,外护层。内护层采用聚乙烯或聚氯乙烯等,外护层采用铝带和聚乙烯组成P外护套加钢丝铠装。 Fiber-optic cable connectors SC------ subscriber channel (cable TV) ST------ straight tip (networking devices) MT-RJ ------- same size as RJ-45 Optical fiber performance 7.2 非导引介质:无线介质 Electromagnetic spectrum 1 GHz 1 mm 0.75 ?m 0.3 m Propagation ways Bands of radio and microwave VHF TV, FM radio Sky and line-of-sight 30–300 MHz VHF UHF TV, cellular phones, paging, satellite Line-of-sight 300 MHz–3 GHz UHF Satellite communication Line-of-sight 3–30 GHz SHF Long-range radio navigation Line-of-sight 30–300 GHz EHF 3–30 MHz 300 KHz–3 MHz 30–300 KHz 3–30 KHz Range Citizens band (CB), ship/aircraft communication Sky HF AM radio Sky MF Radio beacons and navigational locators Ground LF Long-range radio navigation Ground VLF Application Propagation Band Radio waves 3 kHz ~ 1 GHz omnidirectional applications AM/FM radio, television, maritime radio, paging, coreless phone


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