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   Extended debate concerning the   exact point of origin of individual   folktales told by Afro-American salves   has unfortunately taken precedence (5) over analysis of the tales meaning   and function. Cultural continuities   with Africa were not dependent on   importation and perpetuation of   specific folktales in their pristine (10) form. It is in the place that tales   occupied in the lives of the slaves   and in the meaning slaves derived from   them that the clearest resemblances   to African tradition can be found. (15) Afro-American slaves did not borrow   tales indiscriminately from the   Whites among whom they lives. Black   people were most influenced by those   Euro-American tales whose functional (20) meaning and aesthetic appeal had the   greatest similarity to the tales with   deep roots in their ancestral homeland.   Regardless of where slave tales came   from, the essential point is that, (25) with respect to language, delivery,   details of characterization. and plot,   slaves quickly made them their own. The author claims that most studies of folktales told by Afro- American slaves are inadequate because the studies. fail to recognize any possible Euro-American influence on the folktales do not pay enough attention to the features of a folktale that best reveal an African influence overestimate the number of folktales brought from Africa by the slaves do not consider the fact that a folktale can be changed as it is retold many times oversimplify the diverse and complex traditions of the slaves ancestral homeland ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 美国的非洲黑奴所讲述的各别的民间故事究竟源自何处?有关这方面旷日持久的 争论,不幸得很,已远远超越了对这些故事本身的内涵和功能之分析。与非洲的文化沿 袭性并非取决于对特定民间故事按其原始形式输入,并使之世代相传。唯有在这些故事 于奴隶们生活中所占据的位置,以及奴隶们所能从中获取的意义中,与非洲传统最为彰 著的近似才能得以被揭示出来。虽然黑奴生活在白人当中,但他们并没有不分青红皂白 地从白人那里照搬照抄故事情节。对黑人影响最为深远的,是那样一些欧美故事,其功 能涵义和美学魅力与那些深深植根于其故土的故事具有最大程度上的类似。不管黑奴的 故事源自何方,关键在于,就语汇,叙事模式,性格塑造诸细节,以及故事情节而言, 奴隶们均很快地将其汲取,为其所用。 The authors main purpose is to create a new field of study discredit a



