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江苏省自学考试《英语语言学概论》(27037)正确判断题题库及中文翻译 Language is primarily speech ,and not the written form.语言主要是口语形式而不是书面形式。 The relationship between the sounds and their meanings is arbitrary . 声音和他们的意义之间的关系是任意的。 Linguistic symbols are produced by human speech organs . 语言符号是通过人类语言器官形成的。 English linguistics is a kind of descriptive linguistics .英语语言学是一种描述性语言学。 Langue is more abstract than parole and therefore is not directly observable . 语言比言语更加抽象,因此是不能直接观察的。(2009年10月考题) General linguistics deals with the whole human language . 普遍语言学研究的是所有的人类语言。 All the English words are not symbolic .不是所有的英语单词都是有符号的。 Descriptive linguistics studies one specific language .描述性语言学研究的是一种具体的语言。 The spelling of words is not a reliable means of describing the English sounds . 单词的拼写不是描述英语语音的一种可靠方式。 In terms of tension of the muscles at pharynx ,vowels are grouped into tense vowels and lax vowels .根据咽喉肌肉的松弛状态,元音可以分成紧元音和松元音。 A phoneme is an abstract element in the sound system of a language while allophones are variants of a single abstract element. 音位是语言的语音系统中一种抽象的成分,而音位变体是一种抽象成分的变体。 The sounds that are in contrastive distribution are different phonemes .处于对比分布的语音是不同的音位。 Two plosives(爆破音) can’t go together at the beginning of words .在单词的开头两个爆破音不能搭配在一起。 Short vowels do not occur finally .短元音不发生在词尾。 All vowels can occur initially except u and u .所有的元音都发生在开头除了u和u. The sounds that are in complementary distribution and also phonetically similar are allophones of the same phoneme. 处于互补性分布并且语音上相似的两个音是同一个音位的音位变体。 All languages have sequential constraints .所有的语言都有序列限制。 If the initial sound is an affricate ,the next sound must be a vowel.如果开头的音是一个塞擦音或者破擦音,那么下一个音一定是一个元音。 Phonetic transcriptions (语音音标) include all the linguistically relevant features of sounds ; phonemic transcriptions (音位音标)only record distinctive qualities of sounds which can differentiate the meanings of words . 语音音标包括了声音的所有相关语言特征。而音位音标只记录了能够区分单词意思的声音的区别性特质。 The two words “bit ” and “bought ” form a minimal pair. Bit 和bought 两个单词构成一对最小对立体。 A pala


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