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水龙头的生产工艺 水龙头的生产工艺流程:砂芯成型→砂芯检验→铸造铜合金熔炼→化学成分分析检验→重力铸造→陶砂自检→抛丸整光→外观检验→压力试验→机加工→外观检验→压力试验→释铅处理→抛光→外观检验→外涉电镀→外观检验(乙酸盐雾试验)→装配→安装过程自检→过程巡检→试水、压力试验→包装→成品检验→入库→出厂检验。 水龙头铸造工艺 方法:砂型铸造(环境污染) 金属型铸造(大多数厂家采用) 金属型铸造特点: 优点:组织致密,表面质量好,成品率高。 缺点:外表冷却速度快,内腔冷却速度慢,较易产生缩松缺陷。 启示:只有加强铸造模具设计,合金的熔炼与浇注,铸造工艺控制和落砂的清理,才能铸造出合格水嘴体。 水龙头的抛光加工工序 砂带抛光磨床:是指用快速运动的砂带进行磨削的磨床。 过程: 首先进行水龙头粗磨加工,去掉表面的粗糙面和坑洼。 再用(180号或240号)砂带进行中磨,把表面磨细和修整外形轮廓。 接下来用(320号或400号)砂带进行三次磨削,使表面趋于较理想外观和线条清晰、结构匀称。 紧接600号砂带进行精加工,使表面达到理想外观轮廓,并已定型为真实外观实体。表面已无明显砂眼、气孔缺陷。 最后进行800砂加工,使表面光洁无瘕庇。 水龙头外涉电镀工艺 流程: 超声波除蜡电解除油、活化、粗化、回收后移、 中和、表调,预浸,敏化,加速,阳电解,阴电解,水洗,中和,酸铜,活化、清洗、镀镍、回收、清洗、镀铬等。 镀铜:可使电镀层获得更细密组织,水龙头表面的微小缺陷小针孔,小气孔可掩盖,达到满意效果。 镀镍:其作用使龙头表面耐腐蚀性能提高且能够高度磨光。镀铬防止腐蚀保持光亮,提高表面硬度提高耐磨性。 * As we look to the future to plan the next versions of SQL Server we take a careful look at both The business trends that are changing our customer’s requirements; and The technology trends that will create new opportunities and challenges in the future Before discussing the product investments we’re considering we’d like to take a moment to discuss some of the trends we see as being particularly impactful in the coming years Globalization This is not a new trend but it is one that continues to impact business requirements As companies centralize distributed operations or grow and acquire more global assets it often drives greater scalability requirements for core corporate applications like ERP. As companies do business in more time zones and increasingly 24x7 online it increases availability requirements including the need to minimize and/or eliminate planned downtime for maintenance. The information platform of the future needs to deliver the scalability and availability to meet these requirements. Compliance and Risk Management The larger the number of regions in which you do business the greater the number of regulations with which you need to be compliant. Increasing regulatory requirements and growing volumes of data of all types from documents


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