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The earth is suffering, and we, the human beings, are suffering with it, too. The rivers on the earth are drying, then we have to turn to the Mars to search for water; trees on the earth are reducing, then we have to use plastics; the oil, coal and gas is getting less an less, then we have to be ready to go backward to the darkness. Everybody hates the pollutions but everybody is making pollutions. If you are responsible person for the world, for the next generation and for yourself, then stop making such mistakes. Lets all together save the environment, save the resources ,save the nature and save the earth as well. Only because that is to save ourselves! Come on, do something with the preservation of the human existence.
Everybody knows that we have only one earth on which we share with different kinds of animals and plants. With the development of the industry, we, the human beings, have produced more and more pollutions whci are harmful to the animals, plants and ourselves as well. The most serious problem that we have to face is that the earth is being destroyed by our so-called civilizations. Sometimes, you may find we are having more and more natural disasters on the earth. That is why some countries, like America, has begun to explore the Mars and the other planets. Remember, to save the earth is to save ourselves.
节能环保绿 色 环 保 星期天,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,万里无云。我缠着爸爸妈妈要到工地杭州湾大桥连接线去玩。爸爸就答应了我。在路上,我看见宽阔的公路旁种着树木,树木像草原上的哨兵挺立在那儿。两旁种着花草树木,空气非常新鲜。汽车欢快地向前跑。两边的树木快速地向后移。到了工地,我兴高采烈地来到爸爸的办公室。突然,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,能不能陪我去工地现场去看一看?”“孩子,那边环境不好,空气不新鲜。”我缠着爸爸要去,爸爸只好答应了我。于是,我们手拉手来到那里,走进一看,啊!环境真不好,到处都是泥土绿绿的山被削成一半边,一边还是绿色的而另一边则变成了黄色的石头,像一个秃顶的老爷爷。我说:“爸爸,公路造好,但是山也变得光秃秃的,环境也破坏了。”这时,爸爸笑咪咪地对我说:“孩子,这是计划不能改的。”我又看了看光秃秃的小山。我想:等桥造好后,这山的一边应该洒上一些泥土,然后,种上一些花花草草之类。等花草长大后,山也变绿了,这样环境就好多了。我把这个想法告诉了爸爸,爸爸摸摸我的头说:“女儿,你的想法真好啊!做设计的叔叔阿姨已经想到了这个问题,等公路完成时工人们会把花草等种子洒在山坡上。到春天时,山又变绿了。”“真好啊!就和我的想法一样了!这样环境就会很好。”“我的女儿真懂事啊!”爸爸笑着对我说。我高兴得跳了起来,叫了声“ y è—— 。”说着说着时间就过去了,该回家了,我牵着爸爸的手一蹦一跳地回家了。坐着回家的车上,看见公路两边的绿化,我想:我们人人都应该保护环境,爱护花草树木,维护生态
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