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上海市**公寓基坑支护设计与施工方案 摘要: 本工程是位于上海市的××公寓大楼,地上7层,地下1层,总建筑面积5247m2,建筑防火等级二级,抗震设防烈度7度。本次设计的项目主要分为对基坑工程相关研究领域的认识;基坑支护的设计以及编写本工程的基坑支护施工组织方案。根据场地地质条件及周边环境,经过对建筑基坑侧壁等级的确定以及基坑支护方案比选,北侧、东侧与西侧的支挡结构采用排桩+截水帷幕+土层锚杆,南侧的支挡结构采用放坡+土钉墙+截水帷幕。同时经过对挡土结构的稳定性分析,对土层锚杆的稳定性的分析,以及对土钉墙采用圆弧滑动条分法进行的稳定性验算,这些手工计算结果需满足现行国家规范、规程和标准要求。 关键词: 支挡结构 排桩 截水帷幕 土层锚杆 土钉墙 The Apartment building of XingYang reach on the city of shanghai excavate for building foundation and desin the literature summary Weixing The city construction college,Nanhua University,Hengyang,421001,Hunan,China Tutor:Xiongzhibiao Abstract: This graduation project,reach on the city of shanghai,called Apartment building of XingYang. The construction is divided into five ground and one Underground. total Construction area 5247m2invariablyThis building fireproof rank two grades , anti-seismic capability fortifyying earthquake intensity 7 degrees. This design project mainly divides into the hole excavated for building foundation project correlation research area understanding;Design the system of retaining and protecting for foundation excavation. as well as to arrange the comp book project of retaining and protecting for foundation excavation organization plan. According to the location geological condition and surrounding around foundation pit, and pass through to determine the safty class of side of foundation pit as well as slect the plan of the retaining and protecting for foundation excavation. The north side, the east side and the west side retainging structure to use the piles in row + curtain for cutting off water + soil anchor, and the south side retainging structure to use puts the slope + soil nailing wall + curtain for cutting off water. Simultaneously passes through to the retaining structure of soil of the stability analysis; and to the soil anchor of the stability analysis; as well as to adopt the stable checking calculation to the soil nailing wall with the circular arc glide Swedish method, These manual comp



