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中国道路交通安全计划 Road Traffic Safety Plan in China *** *** 中华人民共和国交通部 Ministry of Communications of People’s Republic of China 2005年底中国公路总里程达193万公里高速公路达4.1万公里 At the end of 2005, the total mileage of highways in China had reached 1,930,000 kms, among which 41,000 kms were expressways. 每年交通事故死亡数万人 直接经济损失达30多亿元 Thousands of hundreds of people died in traffic accidents every year; The direct economic loss is more than 3 billion yuan. 中国政府高度重视道路交通安全问题 The Chinese government pays great attention to road safety issues 全国道路交通安全工作部际联席会议机构 提出遏制群死群伤特大交通事故上升势头 实现道路交通事故从高发到基本遏制直至逐年下降 the National Road Safety Ministerial Meeting Agency proposes: control the uprising trend of group death and group injury; turn the trend of traffic accidents from high frequency to basically under control until decreasing every year. 完善相关法律法规 Improve relative laws and regulations 《中华人民工共和国安全生产法》 Law of Safe Production of the PRC 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》及其《实施细则》 Law of Road Safety of PRC and Detailed Rules for Implementation 《公路交通突发公共事件应急预案》 Emergency Scheme for Outburst Public Road Accidents 实施全国公路安全保障工程 Implementation of National Highway Safety Enhancement Project 主题:消除隐患、珍视生命 Objective: eliminate hidden risks, treasure valuable lives 改造国省干线公路的急弯、陡坡、视距不良、路侧险要路段 Improve the sharp turns, steep grades, sections with poor sight distance and sections with dangerous roadside conditions on national and provincial roads 实施全国公路安全保障工程 Implementation of National Highway Safety Enhancement Project 已投入65亿元,改造近21万处行车安全隐患 6.5 billion yuan has been invested in the project and 210,000 dangerous spots have been reconstructed 公路交通事故年均减少9万起,死亡人数年均减少5000人 Reduce 90,000 accidents and 5,000 death toll per year 开展治理车辆超载超限活动 Launch the movement of rectifying overloading 70%道路安全事故由车辆超限超载引发 70% of road accidents are caused by overloading 50%群死群伤重特大交通事故与超限超载有直接关系 50% of group death and injury are directly related to overloading 2004年,交通部、公安部等八部委联合开展车辆超限超载治理 In 2004, the Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Public Security and oth



