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09护英 黄亚 0919044 1词语增减 1)代词增加 a.乳腺癌仍是妇女的主要死因,早起常不易检出。 Cancer of breast, still a leading cause of death in women ,too often escapes detection in its early stage. b肝藏血,主疏泄,调节情志,帮助消化,又有储藏和调血量的作用。 The liver stores blood, governs smoothing and regulating the flow of qi and blood, regulates emotions, promotes digestion. It also stores and regulate blood volume. 2)增加分词(used) 某些治疗心脏病的药物也可能引起心脏传导阻滞 Some drugs used in the treatment of heart disease can also produce heart block。 5)省略动词(loss) 包括水分损失,还包括电解质损失。 Seating involves losses of electrolytes as well as water. 2阐释 1)脐是人体的十二经脉之根,吐纳呼吸之门 五脏六腑之本Gentle hint: navel is the root of twelve channels , gate of breathing the basis of visceras which is the general name of heart,liver,spleen,lungkidney ,gallbladder,stomach, small intestine,large intestine,sanjiao and bladder2)如果没有五神的活动,就不可能产生七情 Without five-spirits activities which means god spirit,soul,purpose and determination there would be no seven-emotions which points to joy anger, sorrow,fear,love,hate and desire. 3) 在临床实践中,只有将四诊有机联系,才能全面了解疾病。 In clinical practice, only when the four techniques whichinspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and pulse feeling and palpation are organically combined can a disease be understood all-sidedly 3借用 )No cross, no crown. 借用 No pain, no gain. 没有苦就没有甜。 )4音译 桑菊饮 sangju potion 阳明 Yangming 三焦 Sanjiao 百汇Baihui脏腑 Zangfu 银翘散 yinqiao powder 功夫 kongfu 桂枝汤 guizhi decoction 太极 taiji 手太阴肺经chirotaiyinpulmochannel 阴中之阴 yin with yin 1)目的:探讨耳鸣与三焦各脏腑的辨证关系。 Objective:to disucss the dialectic relationships between tinnitus and Sanjiao. 2)阴阳既可以代表两种相互对立的事物或势力,也可以代表同一事物内部所存在的相互对立的两个方面。 Yin and yang represent not only the two inter-opposite things or forces, but also the two inter-opposite aspects existing within one object. 3) 但是这些报告并非结论性的,因为太极有许多不同的流派和拳法,很难加以研究。 But not all of these reports have been conclusive, and tai chi is hard to study because there are many styles and approaches 5词性的转换 名词转换成动词 I can’t bear the sight of worms.



