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AMERICAS CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES Policies and Procedures Manual Policies and 1 Kate Stillman July 2008 SVP, Americas Human Resources Effective organizations need a clear sense of direction and a well-defined set of fundamental principles to guide their actions. At IHG, our ambition is to become one of the very best companies in the world. We are focused on creating and operating Great Hotels Guests Love. To achieve this, we’ve developed the Winning Ways, a framework to guide our peoples’ activities and aspirations. In return, we promise to deliver the IHG Commitment, Room to be yourself, a pledge to create an environment where employees can bring their unique personality and skills to the job they do. To achieve IHG’s goals, we must ensure that the business and our employees operate within the framework of federal, state, and local laws. We must be explicit and consistent in the administration of policies and procedures. Human Resources’ role is to manage and implement corporate policies and procedures in order to accelerate business performance, guide culture transformation through the Winning Ways, and protect corporate assets. The Policies and Procedures Manual has recently been updated and contains the IHG guidelines for issues that range from compensation and benefits to employment and operating policies. I hope this will be a valuable resource for you. Thank you for the daily contributions you make to IHG. Regards, Kate Stillman 2 This Manual of Americas Corporate Human Resources Policies and Procedures is not intended to, nor


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