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 Q, q   / kju:; kju/ n (pl Qs, qs / kju:z; kjuz/) 1 the seventeenth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表中的第十七个字母: `Queen starts with (a) Q/`Q. Queen字以Q字母开始. 2 (idm 习语) mind ones ps and qs = mind2.   Q   / kju:; kju/ abbr 缩写 = question: Q and A, ie question and answer 问题和答案 * Qs 1-5 are compulsory, eg in an exam paper. 1-5题为必答题(如试卷说明). Cf 参看 A 2.   QB   / 9kju: 5bi:; 9kju `bi/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit law 律) Queens Bench. Cf 参看 KB.   QC   / 9kju: 5si:; 9kju `si/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit law 律) Queens Counsel: Mr Justice Norman QC 王室法律顾问诺曼法官. Cf 参看 KC.   QE2   / 9kju: i: 5tu:; 9kju i `tu/ abbr 缩写 = Queen Elizabeth the Second (a cruise liner) `伊丽莎白女王'2号(邮船): a holiday on the QE2 乘`伊丽莎白女王'2号邮船度假.   QED   / 9kju: i: 5di:; 9kju i `di/ abbr 缩写 = which was to be proved (Latin quod erat demonstrandum) 证明完毕(源自拉丁文quod erat demonstrandum).   qr   abbr 缩写 = quarter(s).   qt   abbr 缩写 = quart(s).   qto   abbr 缩写 = quarto.   qty   abbr 缩写 = (commerce 商) (esp on order forms) quantity (尤用於订货单).   qua   / kweI; kwe/ prep (fml 文) in the capacity or characterof (sb/sth); as 以(某人[某事物])的身分或特性; 作为: I dont dislike sport qua sport I just think its rather a waste of time. 我倒不是不喜欢运动本身--而是觉得有些浪费时间.   sine qua non   / 9sIneI kwB: 5nEUn; `sInI kwB `non/ (fml 文) essential condition; thing that is absolutely necessary 必要条件; 必不可少的事物: Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心.   quack   / kwAk; kwAk/ interj, n harsh sound made by a duck (鸭叫的)嘎嘎声.   quack   v [I] make the sound of a duck 作鸭叫.   quack-quack   n (used by and to small children 儿语) duck 鸭鸭; 鸭子   quack   / kwAk; kwAk/ n (infml 口) person who pretends to have special knowledge and skill, esp in medicine 冒充有专门知识和技能的人; (尤指)庸医, 江湖医生: Dont be taken in hes just a quack. 可别上当--他纯粹是江湖医生. * [attrib 作定语] a quack cure for arthritis 庸医治关节炎的疗法.   quackery   / -ErI; -ErI/ n [U] methods or practices of a quack 庸医的医术或行医.   quad   / kwCd; kwBd/ n (infml 口) 1 =quadrangle 2.2 = quadruplet.   quadr(i)-   comb form 构词成分 1 having four parts 有四部分的: quadri


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