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Chinese Synonyms:
lumbar shares pain, Yaokua pain, low back pain, lower back pain, Bi Syndrome.
TCM disease name explained:
sciatica refers to the sciatic nerve pathways and the distribution area of the pain syndrome. This pain is often from the waist, hips through the thigh, the calf to the foot lateral radiation.
TCM Etiology:
1, Exogenous: Mainly feel cold dampness. As the locality cold-wet land, or wading the rain, the labor sweat when the wind, wet clothing, and so can feel the cold dampness of the evil and sick, and more and more importance folder Feng Xie refractory pain again. In addition, as patients may feel hot and humid, such as hot and humid days of the visit to, or falling into cold dampness simmers, Yu and of heat, to hot and humid, flow injection bladder meridian and the fat low back pain. Servant or injury, or posture is not correct, waist, inappropriate force, expel gas sprain may lead to the disease.
中医病因 :1、外感 主要为感受寒湿。由于久居冷湿之地,或涉水冒雨、劳汗当风、衣着湿冷等均可感受寒湿之邪而得病,且多兼夹风邪更使疼痛反复难愈。此外感受湿热亦可成病,如岁月湿热行令,或寒湿蕴积日久,郁而化热,转为湿热,流注膀胱经脉而发腰腿痛。跌仆损伤,或体位不正,腰部用力不当,摒气闪挫均可引发本病。
2, internal injuries: Congenital lack of acquired dystrophy, combined with fatigue, resulting in a loss of kidney essence, is nothing to Ruyang tendons and is disease-oriented internal.
2、内伤 先天禀赋不足,后天失养,加之过劳,以致肾精亏损,无以濡养筋脉是为本病内因。
Good-risk population:
Predilection in young adults, more men than women.
好发人群 :好发于青壮年,男多于女。
Pathogenesis of TCM:
1.Or servant injury, Qi stagnation blood stasis Falling falling waist injury, damage qi meridians, or position is not correct, waist, inappropriate force, expel gas sprain, may also lead to Qi stagnation blood stasis and disease.
2.Hanning wet the meridian block: Han Xie stagnate income cited, wet cohesion is not of evil, numb the waist block the meridians, not pain General.
3. Internal injuries kidney deficiency: Lumbar kidney of the
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