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更多英语学习资料请访问博客: (原创英语小说,新闻中英对照翻译) /dengfuzhang1 第一回 青衫磊落险峰行 Chapter one: The breath-taking adventure of a black-clad lad in the dangerous mountains 青光闪动,一柄青钢剑倏地刺出,指向中年汉子左肩,使剑少年不等剑招用老,腕抖剑斜,剑锋已削向那汉子右颈。那中年汉子竖剑挡格,铮的一声响,双剑相击,嗡嗡作声,震声未绝,双剑剑光霍霍,已拆了三招。中年汉子长剑猛地击落,直砍少年顶门。那少年避向右侧,左手剑诀一引,青钢剑疾刺那汉子大腿。两人剑法迅捷,全力相搏。 Here, in a training-hall begins our exciting story. Swiftly a young man was thrusting a glimmering sword towards the left shoulder of a middle-aged, but before having finished the action, suddenly, he changed it, and proceeded to slash the right side of neck of his opponent. Fortunately, in time, the latter had erected his sword to parry the blow, which produced a long resonant clank. Accompanied with it and the flashing of the swords, the fight continued. All of a sudden, forcefully, the middle-aged man brought down his sword at the pate of the young. However, it failed, for the latter had dodged rightwards, and then quickly stabbed at the left thigh of the rival with his weapon. But, none of them could get advantage, as they all were trying their best in the engagement, with dazzling moves. 练武厅东边坐着二人。上首是个四十左右的中年道姑,铁青着脸,嘴唇紧闭。下首是个五十余岁的老者,右手捻着长须,神情甚是得意。两人的座位相距一丈有余,身后各站着二十余名男女弟子。西边一排椅子上坐着十余位宾客。东西双方的目光都集注于场中二人的角斗。 Now, here, in the east of the training-hall, there were two people sitting: a nun about forty in the most honored seat, her complexion dull, mouth tightly closed; the other, a man in his fifty, stroking his long beard satisfactorily with a bright face. Their seats were some three meters away, behind which respectively stood a group of disciples about twenty, consisting of men and women. And about ten or more guests were sitting in a row of chairs in the west. All in the hall were intensely fastening their eyes on the two fighters. 眼见那少年与中年汉子已拆到七十余招,剑招越来越紧,兀自未分胜败。突然中年汉子一剑挥出,用力猛了,身子微微一晃,似欲摔跌。西边宾客中一个身穿青衫的年轻男子忍不住“嗤”的一声笑。他随即知道失态,忙伸手按住了口。便在这时,场中少年左手呼的一掌拍出,击向那汉子后心。那汉子向前跨出一步避开,手中长剑蓦地圈转,喝一声:“着!”那少年左腿已然中剑,腿下一个踉跄,长剑在地下一撑,站直身子待欲再斗,那中年汉子已还剑入鞘,笑道:“褚师弟,承让,承让,伤得不厉害么?”那少年脸色苍白,咬着嘴唇道


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