罗胜强管理学研究方法-06 结构方程模型.pdf

罗胜强管理学研究方法-06 结构方程模型.pdf

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罗胜强管理学研究方法-06 结构方程模型.pdf

StStructturall EEquatition MModdeliling Kenneth S. Law 罗胜强 Department of Management The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学管理系香港中文大学管理系 mnlaw@ 2 Structural Equation ModelingStructural Equation Modeling 1. Why SEM? 2. How to estimate pparameters 3. SIMPLIS programming 4. Scaling 5. Degrees of freedom 6. Identification 7. Nested model 8. Missing data in SEM 99. SiSinglle i indidicator 10. Parceling of indicators 11. Factorial Invariance 1212. MMedidiatition i in SEM SEM 13. Moderation in SEM 14. Mean structure 1515. Latent Growth ModelLatent Growth Model 2 Kenneth Law@CUHK 2010 StrStructctural Eqral Equation Modelingation Modeling ? Structural Equation Modeling ? Covariiance Structure Anallysiis ? LISREL 3 Kenneth Law@CUHK 2010 SEM as a poSEM as a powerferful anall analytical tool?tical tool? Review of 120 submissions to a high-quality, scholarly marketing journall . Pappers with an SEM apppplication are rejected 70.2% Papers without an SEM application are rejected 84.1%


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