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环保型无镀铜CO2气体保护焊实心焊丝(GMAW)生产及应用 贾 军1,梁贻谋2 (1.昆山中冶宝钢焊丝厂,江苏 昆山 215333;2.上海洗霸科技有限公司,上海,200437) 摘要:关键词:焊丝; ;存在的问题Production and Application of Envi-protection Non-Copper Coated Solid Welding Wire for CO2 Shielded Welding JIA Jun,LIANG Yi-mou (1. Kunshan MCC Baosteel Welding Wire Factory,Kunshan 215333,China;2.Shanghai Emperor of Cleaning Tech Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 200437,China) [Abstract] The paper introduces the comparison between non-copper coated and copper coated welding wires including the major technical difficulties and property in production and practical application. Meanwhile, the paper also introduces the relevant characteristics and field application of GMAW non-copper coated welding wires. Furthermore, some predictation is made for future development. The viewpoint is quite obvious by analyzing the copper-coated wires and the anti-corrosion function from theoretical and practical perspectives which is convincing. The concerned process, new materials based on accurate datum can be referenced by welding wire manufacturer and also functioned as technical supporting for production. Meanwhile, the main viewpoint stands for the developing trend of Chinese welding material research.The production and application of non-copper coated welding wires will be the mainstream for future welding wire production. Therefore, it is worthwhile to promote using non-copper coated wires. [Keywords] Environmental Protection, Non-copper Coated; Wire; Welding; Existing Problems 贾军 单位名称 中文名称:昆山中冶宝钢焊丝厂 英文名称:Kunshan MCC Baosteel Welding Wire Factory 二、个人简历 出生日期:1977年7月 籍 贯:山西省大同市 职 称:主任工程师/生产制造部副部长 学 历: 大学本科 性 别: 男 主要从事工作: 主持公司的生产制造部相关工作。日常工作侧重于生产、技术、质量和新品新工艺的开发工作。 一、引言 我国是全世界钢材、焊材生产和消耗量最多的国家,2010年我国的钢产量将达5.7亿吨左右,占世界钢产量将超过47%;焊接材料消耗量将超过440万吨。 在经过近二十多年来的推广应用,CO2气体保护焊工艺(GMAW、FCAW-G)作为一种高效、优质、低成本的焊接技术,已经在造船、压力容器、车辆、建筑工程、矿山机械、钢结构、石油化学、桥梁等诸多行业取得了广泛的应用,赢得了良好的社会效益和经济效益,因此、CO2气体保护焊的焊丝使用也愈来愈多。 2010年我国的CO2气体保护焊(GMAW、FCAW-G)焊丝的产量将超过80万吨,已经成为焊接材料的主流。随着今后


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