毕业论文 我国企业债券融资问题研究.doc

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摘 要 在企业直接融资渠道中,股票融资和债券融资是最主要的方式。在国际资本市场上,债券融资已日益取代了股票筹资,逐渐成为国际直接融资中占统治地位的筹资渠道。而我国资本市场的发展与国际发展潮流是背道而驰的。中国的资本市场上股票融资远大于企业债券融资。股票市场的发展速度远快于债券市场。在我国,非上市公司偏好于争取上市募股;上市公司偏好于配股和增发新股。而国外的企业融资决策顺序则是内部融资—债务融资—股权融资。同样的筹资主体,为什么会出现如此大的反差呢?探索其中的原因,分析我国企业债券发展中存在的问题,以及如何加快我国企业债券的发展,使我国资本市场中股票、国债、企业债券协调发展,成为本文选题的动因所在。 本文采用了对比、演绎、归纳的研究方法,从国外企业债券融资的分析入手,通过对国外企业债券市场发达的原因分析,进而对我国企业发行债券进行实证分析:回顾我国企业债券的发展历程,分析我国企业债券融资的规模,分析我国企业发行债券的现状。然后剖析了目前我国企业债券融资存在的主要问题及原因,最后提出完善我国企业债券融资的对策。 通过查阅学术期刊等文献资料和网络有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站,搜集到了相关数据,通过归纳总结分析出我国企业债券目前发展中存在的问题及原因所在。 关键词:直接融资;债券融资;企业债券 Abstract Stocks and corporate bonds are widely used in the direct financing Instruments. In international capital market, corporate bonds are used more and more and stocks are used less and less. On the contrary, more Chinese enterprises are willing to issue shares, not to flight bonds. The speed of stock’s developing is faster than corporate bonds’. In China, it is normal that unlisted companies strive to go public and listed companies try to ration shares or placing, but this appearance will be thought strange in Western countries. Why is there so different? How to make more and more Chinese enterprises choose corporate bonds and more investor select corporate bonds? This is the reason the author selected this paper. In the paper, after analyzing the bond-financing of Western developed countries, the author analyzes all sorts of impediments to corporate bonds’ growth in China, Analyzing the scale of Enterprise bond financing and the patent advantage of the way of bond financing in our country, analyzing the status in quo of Enterprise bond financing in our country. Then taking apart the main problem that Enterprise bond financing at present time in our country has. In the final we put forward the countermeasure of fathering the lag of Enterprise bond financing. With the development of China’s rapid economy, Enterprise bonds important role in the economy will gradually surface. It is believed that as economic reform continued to dee


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