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摘 要 随着我国经济的飞速发展,房地产业经历了从无序到有序,从狂热到理性的发展过程,目前,我国的房地产业已成为国民经济的支柱性产业。2009 年 4 月,美国次级房贷市场危机爆发,并开始蔓延至全球房地产市场,我国房地产市场也受到了一定影响。同时,我国政府先后出台了多项政策来抑制房地产行业的过度发展,加大对房地产行业的调控力度,一向强势走高的房市也开始出现松动,部分一线城市甚至出现较明显下调趋势。 房地产项目可行性研究是分析、计算和评价投资项目的技术方案、开发方案、经营方案的经济效果,研究项目的必要性和可行性,进行开发方案选择与投资方案决策的科学分析方法。它是房地产开发项目投资决策的重要依据。通过对开发项目的全面分析,论证,各方案比较和评价,从而保证它在技术上可行,环境上允许,经济上合理,经济效益显著,减少投资决策的盲目性,使房地产市场健康发展和不断完善。 本案以青岛开发区盛世江山房地产项目投资为例,综合采用采用了理论分析与实证分析相结合、宏观分析和微观分析相结合的方法,运用可行性研究的一般理论对项目的投资环境、企业内部因素、项目本身优劣势进行全面分析,通过建立投资项目的可行性目标对投资方案的经济效益、投资不确定性进行科学分析,在此基础之上预测本项目经济上是否合理,财务上是否盈利,从而明确该开发项目是否可行。 关键字:房地产项目投资;可行性分析;投资估算;财务评价 Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas economy, the real estate industry has made vigorous development in this vast land. Experienced from disorder to order, from fanaticism to the rational process of development, at present, Chinas real estate industry has become the pillar industry of the national economy, and its development has entered a phase of the survival of the fittest. In April 2009, US subprime mortgage market crisis broke out and started to spread to the global real estate market. Real estate market in our country must have also been affected by it. At the same time, Chinas government has introduced a number of policies to curb excessive development of the real estate industry, strengthens the regulation of the real estate industry. The strong housing market in our country also is beginning to loosen, and some front-line city even more pronounce downward trend. The feasibility analysis of real estate projects is an important step in the process of decision- making of real estate development and also is an important basis for real estate development projects. The comprehensive analysis, demonstration, comparison and evaluation of the projects ensure whether it is technically feasible and environmentally allowable, economically reasonable, cost-effectively significant or not. In the process of real estate development, strengthening the control of index of feasibilit


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