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本科毕业论文 题 目:固体界面传热自动测量系统软件 设计 学 生:   z 专 业:  自动化  年 级:   2008级   指导教师:   陈进 日 期: 2012年5月10日 固体界面传热自动测量系统软件设计 摘要:在学校实验室条件下,应用已经设计组装好的固体界面传热自动测量系统:该测量系统由步进电机,发热电阻丝,温度传感器,压力传感器以及其他固定辅助部分构成。在充分了解设备工作方式和工作原理的基础上,利用dSPACE和Matlab/Simulink进行软件设计并进行实时仿真运行。首先用Simulink搭建了压力控制系统,即由步进电机系统组成的伺服系统,在Matlab软件中进行了离线仿真,在实验结果符合控制要求的基础上,利用dSPACE软件中相关组件,通过加入I/O口来替换方框图中步进电机系统模型,下载到dSPACE硬件中,以满足实时半实物仿真的要求。同样,温度控制部分先利用Simulink模型进行了实验验证,然后通过修改完善,下载到dSPACE硬件中进行实验。该方法免去了常规方法的编程步骤,节省了大量的时间,更改控制算法灵活。并且与完全虚拟仿真相比,半实物仿真的实验结果和数据更加可靠,更有实际应用价值。 关键词:界面传热:dSPACE;Matlab;传感器;半实物仿真 Software Design Of Solid Interface Heat Transfer Automatic Measurement System Abstract: In the school laboratory conditions, use the assembled solid interface heat transfer automatic measurement system: the measurement system is made by stepping motor, heat resistance wire, temperature sensors, pressure sensor and other fixed auxiliary parts. In the full understanding of equipment and the working principle of work way basis, use Matlab/Simulink and dSPACE to conduct the software design. First using Simulink to build pressure control system, that consists of a stepping motor servo system, we has carried on the off-line simulation in the Matlab software, conforms to in the control request foundation in the experimental result, using the dSPACE software components, by joining the i / o port to replace the stepper motor system model block diagram, download it to dSPACE hardware, To meet the requirements of real-time semi-physical simulation. The temperature control part has similarly first carried on the experimental confirmation using the Simulink model, then through revision consummation, downloaded to the Dspace hardware to experiment. The method is different from the conventional method of programming steps, save a lot of time, the change of control algorithm and the simulation is flexible . And


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