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Building Your Competence in Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP) By William J. Rothwell, Ph.D. Copyright 2001 by William J. Rothwell 建立职场学习与绩效(WLP) 的专家能力 Part I: Introduction 第一部分 简介 Purpose of the Session Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP) is the latest generation of the field once called Human Resource Development (HRD) and, before that, Training and Development (T D). How can you understand the field, the roles carried out by WLP practitioners, the competencies that are associated with successful performance in WLP now and in the future, and build your competencies as the WLP field changes in response to trends unfolding now? How might you apply this knowledge to year-end performance evaluation, compensation programs, and planning for the following years HRD efforts? Use this two-day Workshop to build your competence as a WLP practitioner. 本期培训的目的 “职场学习与绩效(WLP)” 是曾经被称为“人力资源开发(HRD)”,之前曾被称作“培训与发展(TD)”的这一领域发展的必威体育精装版阶段。您怎样理解这一领域?您怎样理解这一领域?怎样理解WLP从业者所扮演的角色?怎样了解现在及将来都与WLP优良绩效有关的能力?在WLP领域的时代,怎样根据当今的趋势来增强自己的能力?您怎样把这些知识运用到年终的绩效考核、薪酬计划中及来年的人力资源开发工作中?通过这两天的培训,将会培养您作为一名WLP从业者的能力。 What Will You Take Away from the Session? Upon completion of this two-day Workshop, you will be able to answer the following questions: What is Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP), and how does it compare to Training and Development, Human Resource Development, and Human Performance Improvement/Performance Consulting? What are the roles of the WLP practitioner, and why are these important for you to know about? 您将从本期培训中 学到什么? 在结束这两天的培训后,您将能够回答下列问题: 什么是职场学习与绩效(WLP)?如何区分培训与发展(TD)、人力资源开发(HRD)、员工绩效提升(HPI)与绩效咨询(HPC)等概念? 职场学习与绩效(WLP)从业者的角色是什么?为什么了解它对您很重要? What Will You Take Away from the Session? What are competencies, and what competencies must the WLP practitioner demonstrate to be successful in todays dynamic work settings? What are outputs, and how does the WLP practitioner demonstrate these outputs to be successful? How can your organizations training department t


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