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 基于文献计量的堆肥领域趋势浅析# 岳聪1,石珊珊1,王利红2,汪群慧1** (1. 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京 100083; 5 10 15 20 2. 邯郸职业技术学院建工系,河北 邯郸 056001) 摘要:堆肥化是指在一定的温度、水分、C/N 和通风条件下,通过微生物的作用使生物质废 物发生分解和转化,并利用该过程中产生的生物热灭活病原菌和植物种子,最终将生物质废 物转变为稳定的腐殖质物质的过程。本研究采用文献计量学的方法来定量评估当前的研究趋 势,通过分析 2000 年-2011 年的 8715 篇来自 Web of Science 数据库的数据,得出在最近几年 里堆肥发文数量有一个显著的增长。在此期间,美国具有最大数量的文献产出。主流的堆肥 研究学科是在环境科学、工程环境、土壤科学等相关领域。发文最多的几个期刊分别是是 Bioresource technology, Acta horticulturae, Waste management, Journal of chemical and engineering data, Journal of chromatography, Journal of chemical。此外,关键词分析表明, 对 堆肥的物料研究,土壤肥效研究、保氮处理和肥效研究一直为近些年来的研究热点,同时对 污水污泥的堆肥化处理研究持续增温。 关键词:堆肥;研究热点;文献计量学 中图分类号:s141.4 The compsoting research trends based on bibliometric YUE Cong1, SHI Shanshan1, WANG Lihong2, WANG Qunhui1 (1. Department of Environmental Engineering, Beijing University of Science and Technoloyg, Beijing 100083; 2. Department of Architechtural Engineering Handan Polytechnic College, HeBei HanDan 056001) 25 Abstract: Composting is such a process that in a certain temperature, moisture, C/N and ventilation conditions, through the role of microorganisms, organic waste was degraded and changed, and at the same time, using the process of biological thermal inactive the pathogenic bacteria and plant seeds, will eventually biomass waste into stable humus material process. This study uses a bibliometric approach to quantitatively assess current research trends on composting 30 35 40 45 by using the data from the Science Citation Index-Expended database of the Web of Science and analysis the data of this resource from 2000 to 2011. There were a notable growth in publication outputs recent years. During this period, USA had the largest number of publications. The mainstream of composting research was in the environment sciences, engineering environment, soil science related fields. The top most journals were Bioresource technology, Acta horticulturae, Waste management, Journal of chemical and engineering data, Journal of chromatography, Journa


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