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毕业论文 班级网页设计 学  院 专  业 班 级 ____ 学  号        姓  名 指导教师 目 录 前言…………………………………………………………………………2 第二章:班级网站建设的意义Abstract】 This paper studies the problem is the homepage manufacture and research, in the production of mainly using Dreamweaver using division completed the steps, the final unification summary, the final results will be having a color and style of the works. In the university campus, with personal computer students grow with each passing day. Forum, post bar, SMS has become almost university campus culture has the following components. Especially the university class website this special virtual community, has been integrated into the daily lives of the students, learning, they become an indispensable part of life, this paper introduces the webpage design is introduced; homepage making meaning; in the making of webpage used by the software and the production of webpage in the problems encountered; Homepage making step. This paper focus on making webpage of common software features and difficulties; webpage design and webpage design points; webpage color schemes are introduced; bitmap and vector difference; implementation of webpage latest developments; and the site after the completion of the maintenance and updating 【Key word】Super link Appearance Content 第一章 前言 Internet是人类历史发展中的一个伟大的里程碑,它是未来信息高速公路的雏形,人类正由此进入一个前所未有的信息化社会。人民用各种名称来称呼internet,入国际互联网、因特网、网际网等等,它正在想全世界各大洲延伸和扩散,不断增添吸收新的网络成瘾,已经成为世界上覆盖面最广、规模最大、信息资源最信息产业正在经受着一个巨大的挑战,同时也面临着一个重大的机遇。就目前的科技发展水平而言,电子信息产业的发展已经不能够满足社会化大生产的要求,因此,各个国家集中人力、财力加大对信息技术产业的投入,以适应目前需要。可喜的是在这几十年的发展中我们有了互联网。互联网加大了我们了解世界的眼丰富的计算机信息网络。随着二十一世纪新兴科技的飞速发展,如今的电子界,缩紧了人与人之间的距离,这就更容易的使我们走上信息化的道路。 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language ,超文本标记语言) ,或称为“多媒体文件语言”,是用于创建Web 页和Web 信息发布的第一个通用语言。H TML 以其简单精练的语法、极易掌握的通用性与易学性,使Web 网页可以亲近于每一个普通人,网络也才得以普及发展,以至今


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