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某塑料制品厂全厂总配电所及配电系统设计 摘 要 针对于目前的生活社区绝大多数的变电所都采用户外杆上变电台的方式供电, 这样的供电方式虽然简单经济,但是它们在社区的分布较紧密,与现代化的社区环 境格格不入,而且存在着安全隐患,特别是在雷雨天,并且也不利于社区的二次规 划改造。所以本次设计采用在厂区中装设变配电所的供电方式,将经变压器变换的 电压,通过地下敷设电缆的方式送给各用电设备组。 本设计较全面地介绍了变配电所的设计方法,包括电力负荷及其计算,短路电 流及其计算,变配电所的一次系统,工厂的电力线路,工厂的过电流保护以及电气 装置的接地和防雷等知识。 在设计中,首先介绍了负荷的计算包括有功功率、无功功率和视在功率的计算 方法以及无功功率的补偿。根据计算负荷选择变压器的数量和容量。然后是短路电 流的计算,选取几个主要短路计算点,利用标幺值法对其进行短路电流计算。在计 算短路电流的前提下选取电力线路和高、低压设备。在变配电所高、低压设备的选 择上,根据设计实例进行设备的选择与校验。设计中,对电力线路及变压器进行继 电保护。在设计中有主次、先后地介绍工厂供电的设计步骤。 关键字:变电所,计算负荷,三相短路电流,电力变压器,过电流保护 I 某塑料制品厂全厂总配电所及配电系统设计 Abstract Most of the shop transformer substation (STS for short) in the community use transformer substation in the pole to electric power supply. Although such power supply is simple and economical, the poles distribute compact and they are against the grain in the modern community. Moreover they have hidden troubles in upper improving. So the STS I designed will build in the corner, avoiding above problems. The design includes 10 parts, introducing the method of design roundly. It includes electric power load, short -circuit current and theirs counting, choosing primary equipment and electric power line and so on. In my design, first, introduces the calculated load, active power, reactive owner and reactive power compensation. Part two is choosing of power transformer according to calculated load. The third part, the counting of short -circuit current uses Per-unit value method. Next, premise short -electric current, selecting high and low primary equipment. The electric power line and power transformer are furnished by over - current protector in my design. The design introduce the process of power supply primarily and secondarily and also. KEY WORDS: shop transformer substation ,calculated load


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