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摘要 在当今石油等资源日益短缺的情况下,风能作为一种清洁的可再生能源,变得越来越受到重视。随着风力发电机单机容量不断增大,发电机并网时所造成的电流冲击不断变大,使得风力发电系统和电网的相互影响越来越复杂,因此必须对风力发电机的并网技术进行深入的研究。 在现今世界风能应用技术中,双馈发电机进行矢量控制研究技术是相对成熟的。矢量控制技术作为一种比较先进的控制策略,是在电机机电能量转换、统一理论和坐标理论的基础上发展起来的,具有新颖性、先进性和实用性。 本文首先对DIFG的运行理论进行分析,建立了DIFG数学模型,对坐标变换及运行特性进行了理论指导,为双馈电机的研究奠定了理论基础。通过对双馈型发电机的工作原理的分析,建立了交流励磁发电机的三相静止坐标系数学模型,提出了基于定子磁场定向的矢量控制策略,采用定子磁场定向的矢量控制方法实现对双馈发电机的有功功率和无功功率的独立控制。这些都是为进一步的深入研究提供了有效的理论依据。 其次,采用一种能量双向流动的双PWM变换器,满足了交流励磁发电系统励磁的需要,详细分析了三相电压型整流器的基本原理和数学模型,并确定了以电网电压定向的矢量控制策略。介绍了空间矢量脉宽调制的方法。 最后,对转子侧的电流电压进行了MATLAB的仿真 ,并对发电机的运行状态进行了研究 关键词:交流励磁,变速恒频,磁场定向矢量控制,并网同期控制 双PWM变换器 MATLAB Abstract Wind power as a kind of clean and renewable energy, in todays increasingly scarce resources such as oil, become more and more attention by the wind generator with single capacity increase, and generators resulted from the grid current shock kept getting bigger, make wind power systems and grid influence each other more and more complicated, so we have to investigated this in depth. In this paper, the relative fledged doubly-fed generator in wind energy application technology in the day is researched on vector control. Vector control is one of the advanced theories, which is based on motor unification principle, energy conversion and vector coordinate transformation theory. It has many advantages such as novelty,practicability and advancement. Firstly, the basic principle of variable speed wind turbine generators is introduced.According to the variable speed wind turbine operating in different regions, the basic control strategy is set out. After the analysis of its structure and its VSCF electricity generating principle, the mathematic model of the double-fed generator in static three-phase coordinate and in rotary two-phase coordinate is build. the stator field-oriented vector control method for the control of the doubly-fed generator is used. Using vector control technology, a doubly-fed generator independent of the active and reactive


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