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PAGE ERP环境下的库存管理探析 ——以包头宏业铸铁搪瓷有限公司为例摘 要 当今,库存管理已成为企业活动中不可或缺的部分,但由于它基础性的性质往往被企业的决策者和高层管理者所忽视。然而,作为物流系统重要环节的库存管理目前也在发生巨大变革,能协助企业获取最大的销售利润和经济利润,从而成为第三利润的重要来源。目前我国制造企业在库存管理方面普遍存在着信息化程度不高、库存管理不完善等问题。本文在前人研究的基础上,进一步研究ERP环境下制造业内的库存管理模式。首先从ERP和库存管理的理论着手,通过对比各种库存管理方法,来研究分析ERP环境下的库存管理的特点,并对包头宏业铸铁搪瓷有限公司(简称为宏业公司)库存管理的现状进行了详细的描述,并指出宏业公司库存管理目前存在的问题。然后针对性的在已有的库存管理基础上结合ERP对库存管理的要求,对ERP环境下的库存管理进行分析,从而为宏业公司构建起科学、合理的库存管理架构。关键词:ERP管理 库存管理 库存管理方法Analysis on Inventory Management under the Environment of ERP——Take the Baotou Grandview Casting Enameling Co.,Ltd for exampleAbstractToday, inventory management has become an integral part of the enterprise activities. But its basic properties are often ignored by senior managers and decision makers. However, as an important link of logistics system, inventory management is also in the big changes. It can help enterprises to gain maximum sales profit and economic profits, which become an important source of the third profits. At present there’re some problems about the manufacturing enterprise inventory management of our country, which information level is not high and inventory management is not good etc. This paper makes further research for inventory management under the environment of ERP on the basis of the previous studies. Firstly, the paper begins with the theory of ERP and inventory management, then it analyses the inventory management features under the environment of ERP by comparing various inventory management method. Secondly, the paper makes a detailed description about the present situation of the Baotou Grandview Casting Enameling Co.,Ltd(referred as BG company)inventory management, and points out the problems BG company inventory management exists. Thirdly, the paper analyses inventory management under the environment of ERP on the basis of the one existing, which combines the requirements of ERP about inventory management, so as to build a scientific and reasonable inventory management structure for BG company. Key wo



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