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大功率特种备用电源设计与调试 摘 要 备用电源是电信设备的重要组成部分,其供电的质量与可靠性极大的影响着电信设备和系统的运行状态。本文介绍了备用电源的结构和工作原理,它主要由直流稳压扩流电路、软启动与过流保护电路、不间断供电电路、自动检测控制电路和报警电路组成,其中稳压部分为线性稳压电源,稳压电路采用了三端集成稳压器LM317及晶体管并联扩大输出电流;自动检测部分则由电压比较器LM339来实现自动检测控制;不间断供电电路则由桥式二极管来实现自动无时间间隔切换它能够自动完成不间断充放电,并且具有电路输出功率大,这种备用电源可以使交换机在断电状态下持续工作八个小时,保证通话不受外界电压干扰。本设计具有结构简单,成本低廉,工作性能稳定可靠的特点。 关键词:保护电路; 继电器; 自动检测控制; 蓄电池 High-power special standby power design and debugging Abstract The emergency power supply is the telecommunication equipment important constituent, its power supply quality and reliable enormous influence telecommunication equipment and system running status. This article introduced the emergency power supply structure and the principle of work, it mainly expands by the direct current constant voltage flows the electric circuit, the soft start with has flowed the protection circuit, the uninterrupted feed circuit, the automatic detection control circuit and the alarm circuit is composed, Regulators which part of the linear power supply. Regulators circuit adopted a three-integrated regulators LM317 and transistors parallel to expand output current; from the automatic detection of application of LM339 voltage comparator to achieve automatic detection control; uninterruptible power supply circuit from the diode bridge to achieve automatic time interval without switching it to automatic discharge completed uninterrupted, and output circuit, this standby power can switch power outages in the state continued to work eight hours. guarantee the call from outside interference voltage. The design is simple, low cost, reliable performance characteristics. . Key word: Protect the electric circuit; Relay ; Automatic examination contro ; battery 目 录 中文摘要·························································Ⅰ 英文摘要·························································Ⅱ 主要符号表······················································ ⅲ 1.绪 论·················································


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