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电子与信息工程学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 论文题目 基于plc智能交通灯的控制 学生姓名 学 号 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 指导教师 2011年5月 摘 要 目前,我国许多大中城市的交通压力都非常大。部分交通路口的信号灯工作时间不合理,交通违章或肇事记录不确切。所以,改善与提高现有的交通系统的工作效率,加强交通路口的信号灯控制和安全状况的监控是非常重要的。 本设计主要设计利用PLC来实现十字路口交通灯的控制与监控。通过交通中心的主机根据具体城市各路口的需要控制各个十字路口的PLC,从而控制十字路口交通灯的变化,以及对各个路口的安全状况进行监控,监控机动车是否违章、是否肇事,并把记录的结果存储、上传和处理。 本设计的上位机采用STEP 7 - Micro/WIN3.2进行编程。采用顺序功能图与梯形图相结合的方法设计程序。实现对城市十字路口的合理控制与监控。 关 键 词:PLC控制系统;梯形图; ABSTRACT At present, traffic pressure in many large and medium-sized cities in China is very great. Some traffic lights’s working hours is unreasonable, violation and records of the incident is inaccurate too. Therefore, to improve and enhance the existing transport systems efficiency and strengthen the control of traffic lights and monitoring the security situation is very important. The main idea of design is to achieve the control of traffic lights at crossroads and monitoring by PLC. Through the host at control centre to control the various crossroads PLC according to the specific needs of the junction of the city,to control the change of traffic lights at the crossroads,and to monitor the security situation at crossroads, whether the vehicle violate regulations,whether cause incident, and to record The results. then, storage, upload and processing. This designs superior machine uses PC. Through installs in the intersection monitoring equipment as well as the mobile electron monitoring equipment, carries on the monitoring to each intersections safe condition. The lower position machine uses German Simenss S7-200 series CPU226 to make the main engine, matches expands module EM222. In the design uses S7-200 programming software STEP 7 - Micro/WIN3.2 to carry on the programming. Uses methods design procedure which the smooth functional diagram and the trapezoidal chart unify. Realizes to the city intersection reasonable control and the monitoring. KEY WORDS:


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