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基于单片机的毕业论 文(设计) 题 目: 基于80C51单片机和TLC2543的多路 数据采集系统设计 学 号: 姓 名: 年 级: 学 院: 信息学院 系 别: 电子通信系 专 业: 指导教师: 完成日期: 在工业生产和科学技术研究的各行业中,常常利用PC或工控机对各种数据进行采集。数据采集技术是信息科学的重要分支,是传感器、信号获取、存储与处理等信息技术结合。TI公司的11路12位串行模数转换器TLC2543和Philips公司推出的增强型80C51单片机P89C51RA2组成路高精度的数据采集系统数据采集系统实现低成本、高可靠性、多点的数据采集系统USB数据总线接口与PC机进行数据通信,达到在PC机上实时的显示、存储和处理采样数据的目的。以上所有的特性使得本系统可很好的应用于实验室或工业现场等多种场合的多路数据实时采集。 关键词:TLC2543;A/D Abstract PC and Industrial PC are often utilized in all walks of life in industrial production and scientific research to acquire various data. Data acquiring technology is an important branch of information science, and it combine transducer, signal obtaining, information storing and processing together. This paper adopts 11 analog input channels and 12-bit -analog-to -digital converter called TLC2543 from TI Company and enhancement mode 80C51 series signal-chip computer called P89C51RA2 from Philips Company to form the multi-function and high-accuracy data gathering. With small size and low power consumption, this kind of data gathering technology is easy to realize, program, and transplant. This system also can carry on data communication with PC through USB data bus interface and PC, and it can finally achieve display, memory, and sample processing. With the characteristics mentioned above this system will be well applied in the laboratory, industry, or other departments where the multi-function real time data acquire technology can be used. Keyword: TLC2543 ; A/D converter; data acquisition 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 引言 - 1 - 1.1 研究意义 - 1 - 1.2 研究内容 - 1 - 2 数据采集系统的构成 - 2 - 3 基于USB的数据采集系统的硬件设计 - 3 - 3.1系统的原理及其组成 - 3 - 3.2 硬件电路的芯片选择 - 5 - 3.2.1 单片机


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