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摘 要 网络应用已经渗透到人类社会的各个角落。作为网络世界支撑点的网站,更是人们关注的热点:企业利用网站宣传自己的形象,挖掘无限商机,个人利用网站展示个性风采,创建彼此沟通的桥梁。 由于用户的需求,各类网站应运而生。其中求职招聘网站通过对人事信息的整合,为社会提供权威、快捷、便利的网上政务服务;通过对人才信息资源的全方位整合,建立人才信息的中央数据库,为各类人才交流机构提供资源共享、利益分享的公平机会,促进各类人才网站的有序竞争和共同发展;为各类企事业单位和个人提供高效便利的信息服务。 本说明书通过介绍求职招聘网站的应用背景、研发目的及意义、发展趋势说明求职招聘网站在当今社会中,对人们的生活起到重要的作用。描述了求职招聘网站的设计思想及其开发过程。文中小型求职招聘网站是基于.NET平台下开发,采用SQL Server数据库。能完成单位招聘、个人求职等功能. 关键字:求职招聘,.NET,SQL Server Abstract Network application has penetrated into every corner of the human society. As the website, supporting network world more people concerned hot: enterprises using websites in their own image, mining the unlimited business opportunities; Personal use website show individual character elegant demeanour, create communicate with each other Bridges. Because the users demand, all kinds of website arises at the historic moment. Which job recruitment website for personnel information integration through, provide social authority, quick, convenient online e-government services; Based on the comprehensive integration of information talents resource, establish talent information central database, for all types of talent exchange institutions provide resources sharing and benefit sharing of the fair chance, promote orderly competition and talent website common development; For all types of enterprises and institutions and individuals provide efficient and convenient information service. This paper introduces the application of cover recruitment website background, development purpose and meaning, development trend in that job recruitment website for people in todays society, played a key role in the life. Describes the cover recruitment website design ideas and development process. This paper is based on small job recruitment lans Sqlserver database development, use. Can complete unit recruitment, personal employment etc. Function. Key word: job recruitment,T,Sqlserver 目 录 第1章 摘要 1 1.1 研究背景及内容 1 1.1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.2 研究内容 2 1.2 课题研发的目的与意义 2 第2章 需求分析 4 2.1


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