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毕 业 论 文(设 计)
中文题目: 企业人力资源管理系统 的设计与实现
英文题目: Enterprise Human Resources Management System Design And Implementation
摘 要
企业人力资源管理是指将人事管理与办公自动化系统进行有机结合,有效地管理企业内各种人力资源信息,使企业各部门工作人员能及时、方便地获得所要人员的各种信息从而提高工作效率。本文针对企业人力资源管理的需求,设计出一个基于C/S架构的企业人力资源管理系统。阐述了企业人力资源系统的具体实现过程以及开发过程中所用到的技术与框架。系统采用C/S模式和SQL Server数据库设计开发,并基于VC6.0进行系统的开发环境使用C++作为开发语言,。由于系统由视图、控制器和模型三层组成,极大的方便了程序的编写,而且对于系统需求的变更也比较容易实现。系统比较全面的分析了企业人力资源管理的相关需求,并已经实现了需求分析中的相应功能,已经可以系统、有效、方便的管理企业人力资源的必威体育精装版消息。
关键词: C/S;人力资源;数据库;C++
Enterprise Human Resources Management System Design And Implementation
Enterprise of Human resources(HR) management refers to the harmonious combination of the personnel management and office automation system, the effective management of the information of corporate human resources. And then this will enable enterprises of all departmental staff to obtain all kinds of information, conveniently and effectively, thereby improving efficiency.This paper, in terms of the demand for human resources management, aims to design the system of human resources management, which is based on the structure of C / S. And it also explains the specific implementation of human resource system and the framework and technology through the process.The system, using the C / S mode and the SQL Server database ,based on the Visual Studio 6.0 development environment, applies C++ as developmental language. As the system composes of these three layerspictures, controller and model, these three layers make it easy to write program, and greatly facilitates and the implementation of the demand for system change This paper comprehensively analyses of the relevant requirements about human resource management and had achieved the corresponding function. And the syeterm had been able to manage the updated information of human resource effectively and conveniently.
Keywords: C/S; human resources; database; C++
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