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汽车销售系统的设计与摘 要
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003进行各个系统功能模块的创建和系统的实现。在创建过程中,本设计先从系统主模块着手,再实现各个小的模块功能。最后在系统实现的过程中将数据库连接起来,实现整个系统的正常运行。一个正常进行的汽车销售需要管理所拥有的汽车信息的设置、销售人员的信息和客户的信息等,更重要的还要提供汽车信息管理。面对各种不同种类的信息,需要合理的数据库结构来保存数据信息以及有效的程序结构支持各种数据操作的执行。
关键词:网上订购;数据库;信息管理Design and Implementation of the Automobile Sale System
This design is mean to state how to build a automobile sales management system for a 4Sshop.First is to analyze the system, pointing out the analysis of systematic mission and the process of it.. Then the author build a background data-base by using SQL Server 2000.In designing the data-base, the author analyze the need of the data structure and list all the designs of the concept, through which the author get a relatively reasonable logic data structure and realize each systematic module by using it. And then the author builds each function of the systematic module and realizes the system. In the process of creation, the author starts from the main systematic module and then realizes each small one. In the final process of realizing the system, the author connects the databases, realizing the normal operation of the whole system. A normally operated sales of automobiles need the administration of the set of the occupied automobiles, the information of the sales people and the of the customers and so on .What is more important is the information management of the automobiles .In face of the variety of information, what the author need is the structure of the data-base to store the information and the effective structure of the process to support the operation of the various data.
Key words: Online order; Database; Information Management
目 录
1引言 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 本课题的研究意义 1
1.3 本课题的研究方法 1
2 开发工具的选择 1
2.1 SQL Server数据库管理系统简介 1
2.2 C#语言简介 2
3 系统需求分析与设计 2
3.1 系统功能结构 2
3.2 系统管理模块分析 2
4 数据库的详细设计与实现 2
4.1 数据库需求与功能分析 2
4.2 数据库模块设计结构 3
4.3 数据库物理结构设计 5
4.4 各数据表关系图 7
4.5 数据库结构实现 7
4.5.1 数据库的连接 7
4.5.2 数据库连接后实现数据的调用 7
4.5.3 数据存储过程的实现 8
4.5.4 实现数据库
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