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考前指导 一 . 作文指导—片段点评 假设你将作为高三毕业生代表,在毕业晚会上用英语作意简短的告别演讲。演讲内容包括: 对高中生活的怀念 对老师,对学校的感谢 对同学的祝福 作文点评 一. 文章脉络是否清晰 1. 精彩的开端 2. 中学美好片段的回忆 3. 对学校和老师的感恩 4. 与同伴们共勉 结束语:一句美好的祝愿 二. 发言稿语言是否合乎内容要求和表达要求 1. 时态在不同情景中变化 2. 句型结构的正确运用 3. 单词的拼写,词组的搭配 4. 语句表达的流畅性,发言稿人称的正确表示 精彩片段 Part 1---a good beginning It is a great honour for me to stand here and represent all the graduates to give a brief farewell speech. 单思潆 It is my pleasure to be on behalf of the whole senior three graduates and deliver a short good-bye speech. 张紫薇 It is my pleasure for me to deliver a short good-bye speech on behalf of the whole senior three graduates. 修改后 Part 2---a worthy memory We still remember our first military training when we stepped into the high school, our racing on the sports field, our performances in the Art Festival and many other activities we enjoyed. Through these activities we became united and mature and they also made our stressful school life full of joy and laughter.(李佳燕) Part 3 ---gratitude to teachers Then, please let me show my sincere gratitude to my teachers and my school. It was my teachers who believed in me when I met with difficulties and when I was undertaking hardships. You have taught me how to be a useful person and now it’s my turn to repay. (徐钦) Part 4---good wishes Then it comes to my fellows and sincere schoolmates. I wish all of us great success in the future. I firmly believe that we’ll realize our dreams and achieve our goals no matter how hard the process is. Let’s go for it! (张紫薇) 作文指导—长句翻译与写作 练习 提示:你们班同学李明作为交流生即将赴美留学,班级组织了一次欢送会。请你写一篇发言稿,代表大家送出对他的祝福。 写作思路 1. 主旨句:对李明即将赴美留学表示祝贺。 2. 发展句:谈对李明出国留学的感受以及大家对他的评价。 3. 结论句:祝愿李明学业有成,并希望大家保持联系。 长句翻译练习—发言稿开头 1. on behalf of … 代表…… 我代表本公司欢迎各位光临。 On behalf of our company, I would like to welcome you here. 今天是我校百年校庆纪念日。逢次盛典,我很荣幸代表学校向大家简要介绍本校。 Today is our school’s 100th birthday. On this great occasion, I feel honoured to give you a short introduction about our school. 2. congratulate,congratulation 我们向他庆祝生日。 We congratula


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