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可编程控制器在智能洗衣机中的控制应用 摘 要 本课题设计的主要研究内容是PLC技术在洗衣机洗衣过程中的控制,通过编写指令来控制洗衣的每一个过程,实现洗衣过程的连续性,自动化。 考虑到在以往老式洗衣机中,加水,洗衣,排水和甩干都是独立不连续的单个步骤,需要手动去完成;同时结合宿舍楼中洗衣机的实例,针对这种全自动洗衣机洗衣不净的情况进行了系统改造,在其一键式的基础上增加了几个按钮,这些按钮的增加能确保所洗衣服更加干净,省时且在一定程度上节约了电能,本课题主要解决的就是这个问题。在如今我们这个提倡低碳环保的社会里具有重要意义。 在自动控制的同时又增加有手动功能,能确保在遇到紧急情况急停后排水等后续步骤的方便进行。此系统的程序应用三菱程序编写,使用FX系列软件进行编程和调试。在软件上生成了梯形图,并进行了拼写检查,程序能够实现预定的效果。 关键词:PLC,一体化,自动洗衣机 THE APPLICATIONS OF PLC IN AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINE ABSTRACT The design of the main issues is PLC technology in the washing machine laundry process control, laundry by writing commands to control every process, to achieve continuity of laundry process automation. In the past, washing machine, add water, laundry, water, and drying are separate discrete individual steps. This issue is mainly to solve the problem of control by PLC, the independent process of continuous complete laundry process to achieve integration. This can greatly save our time, of great significance. Combined with life in the washing machine example, some of the functions of automatic washing machines were modified. Automatic washing machine for dirty laundry system reform carried out in the washing machine based on one button to increase the number of buttons that can ensure that the increase in laundry cleaner. While there are manual features automatically, to ensure the laundry process easier. We use Mitsubishi programming for application of this system, using FX series of software programming and debugging. The software generates a ladder, and makes a check of editor that the program can achieve the expected results. KEY WORDS: PLC, integration, automatic washing machine 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 PLC简介 2 1.1 PLC的定义 2 1.2 PLC的特点 2 1.2.1可靠性高,抗干扰能力强 2 1.2.2配套齐全,功能完善,适用性强 2 1.2.3 .易学易用,深受工程技术人员欢迎 3 1.2.4系统的设计、建造工作量小 3 1.2.5体积小,重量轻,能耗低 3 1.3 PLC类型 3 1.3.1按 I/O 点数分类 3 1.3.2按结构分类 4 1.3.3按功能分类 5 第2章 各类指令简介 6 2.1 各类指令 6 2.1.1 基本指令 6 2.2 功能指令 7 2.2.1传送指令MOV 7 2.2.2 块传送型指令DMOV 8 2.3 主控指令 8 2.3.1 MC、MCR指令


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