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2010 4( 139) * 基于语料库的翻译专业口译教材建设 陶友兰 : 翻译本科专业的口译教学面临着一系列挑战, 其中教材建设方面遇到的问题 为严峻本文认为翻译 本科专业口译教材建设可以以建构主义学习理论为基础, 构建 一个基于语料库的现代化口译教材包, 由口译 教学指南译员指南自主学习平台电子教材( 录音带录像带幻灯片电影片和口语化的文字材料等) 学 生用书五部分构成全文主要讨论基于语料库的口译教材建设的理论基础需要遵循的原则设计步骤以及 使用潜力 : 翻译专业; 口译语料库; 口译教材; 口译教学 A bstrac t: As translation is setup as an independent d iscipline, interpreting teachingw ill be facingm any challenges, one ofwh ich is the comp ilation of interpretation textbooks tailored to the needs of translation m ajors. his paper puts forw ard that under the gu idance of constructivist learning theories a package of corpusbased interpretation textbooks can be designed, wh ich includes five com ponents: a gu ide to interpreting teach ing, a gu ide to translators and inter preters, an autonomous learn ing p latform, etextbooks ( tapes, videos, slides, film s, oral m aterials, etc. ) and studentsworkbook. he paper elaborates on them aking of corpusbased interpretation textbooks in term s of the guid ing theories, the princip les to follow, the design procedures and the app lication potential. K ey w ord s: translation m ajor; interpreting corpus; interpretation textbook; interpreting teach ing : H 319 : B : 1004- 5112( 2010) 04- 0002- 07 1. , , , , , : , ( 2003)( 2002) ; , (2006); , , , , , ; ; , ; , ( 2008: 155) , * !, ! ( 07CYY005) 2 Fore ig n L ang uag e W orld No. 4 2010 ( General Serial No. 139) , , ; !( 2008: 148) ∀ , : ; ; , ; / /, APEC , , , , !( 2007: 100) , , , , , , , : + + + () + ; , , , 2. , , , , , !( 2002: 333) , ! : 1995 ( ranslational English Corpus, EC) ,


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