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河南科技学院2011届本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目: 学生姓名: 所在院系: 所学专业: 导师姓名: 完成时间:20年月日 Abstract Recently, consumers’ requirements for foods are constantly changing. They demand the foods that are fresh and natural .Therefore, steps used to process foods should be designed to preserve their natural quality .Thermal pasteurization not only kills contaminating microorganisms but also affects the taste, color, and nutritional quality of foods. Cold pasteurization method is the use of pulsed electric fields (PEF) for sterilization of liquid food. Recently, sterilization method primarily contains the representation of hot treatment sterilization technology .However, thermal pasteurization not only kills contaminating microorganisms but also affects the taste, color, and nutritional quality of foods, it’s hard for hot sensitivity or especial demanded food to expect purpose. Another domain is rising cold sterilization technology, it contains high intensity PEF ultrasonic sterilization、high-pressure、infrared ray sterilization and pulsed intensity light and so on. The domestic and overseas researchers abroad study PEF sterilization because of easily use characteristic; it will become one of the most promising realization industrialization sterilization methods. With regard to PEF sterilization mechanism, there are lots of hypotheses. It mainly has electrical breakdown 、electro oration、electro analysis production effect and ozone effect and so on. This research bases on existing achievements, it observed the shape of bacillus which are treated by PEF using electron microscope. It proved that the bacillus membrane happened fatal breakage. It further proved the membrane was destructed. Keywords: PEF, Pulsed-generator, Cold pasteurization, Sterilization ratio, Emulate 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外相关研究情况 2 1.2.1 国外相关研究情况 2 1.2.2 国内相关研究情况 3 1.2.3 脉冲电场杀菌有待深入研究的问题 4 1.3 设计思想 5 2 系统总体设计 5 3 芯片介绍 5 3.1 EXB841介绍 5 3.2 IGBT三极管介绍 7 4 电路介绍 9 4.1 脉冲电源电路 9 4.2 辅助电源电路 10 4.3 脉冲产生电路 11 4.4 稳压调压电路 12 4.5


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