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PAGE PAGE III 摘 要 烟台港西港区位于烟台市西北35公里处,远离市区,邻近经济开发区,与蓬莱市接壤,-10米以上深水岸线贴岸,发展空间开阔,经济活力强劲,地理位置优越。扼渤海南侧湾口,背靠山东半岛,北望辽东半岛,东邻日本、韩国。使烟台港西港区成为环渤海地区理想的水运中转货物的集散地、连接东北与华东的交通枢纽、山东半岛与日韩贸易最便捷的进出口口岸。该处的地质条件较好,基本为粉细沙土。 斜坡式防波堤在我国使用最广泛,一般适用于地基土壤较差,水深较小及当地盛产石料的情况。它对地基承载力的要求较低;施工比较简单,在施工过程中或建成之后,如有损坏,修复较容易;在使用方面,由于波浪在坡面上破碎和较少反射,所以消波性能良好。鉴于斜坡式防波堤有上述优点,烟台地区又是石料丰富,所以采用斜坡式防波堤。 此设计为2000m烟台港西港区防波堤,主要分为四大部分:第一部分主要是对烟台港西港区的地形、水文、气象、泥沙、地质等资料收集和调研,通过对资料的分析来掌握港口的现状及存在的问题。第二部分主要包括烟台港西港区平面布置,码头结构初步设计和方案比选,码头构件尺寸的确定,堆场和辅建区的布置;第三部分为防波堤结构计算,如断面结构的确定、护面块体的重量和厚度、胸墙作用标准值计算和相应组合、胸墙的抗滑抗倾稳定性计算、地基稳定性验算。第四部分主要是码头平面图和防波堤平面图、剖面图的绘制。 关键词:斜坡式防波堤;平面布置;防波堤结构计算;码头平面图 ABSTRACT Yantai port is located in the northwest of yantai 35 kilometers, away from downtown, neighboring economic development zone, and border on Penglai, the shoreline which have- 10 meters deep water , stick deep space development, economic dynamism, the geographical position is superior. Bohai sea south bay, choke back by shandong peninsula, north east at liaodong peninsula, Japan and South Korea. Yantai port to become the bohai rim region of water transfer of goods ideal distribution of northeast China, the of traffic hub connection with the northeast and east of China, shandong peninsula and the most convenient import and export trade in Japan and Korean. The geological conditions are good for the fine sand, the sand is basic for powder. Sloping breakwater is the most widely used in our country, and applies to poorer soil foundation, depth of smaller and produced stone. It is the low of requirement for bearing capacity, Construction is simple in construction process, or, if there is damage after completion, repair easily, In use, because in the slope surface waves breaking and less reflection wave elimination, so good performance. Due to the above advantages are sloping breakwater, here is rich of stone, so using stone sloping breakwater. The design for the prevention of yantai port 2000m, mainly divided into four parts, the first part i


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