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基于AT89C2051的超声波测距系统毕业设计论文 摘要 随着科技的发展,人们生活水平的提高,城市发展建设加快,城市给排水系统也有较大发展,其状况不断改善。但是,由于历史原因合成时间住的许多不可预见因素,城市给排水系统,特别是排水系统往往落后于城市建设。因此,经常出现开挖已经建设好的建筑设施来改造排水系统的现象。城市污水给人们带来了困扰,因此箱涵的排污疏通对大城市给排水系统污水处理,人们生活舒适显得非常重要。而设计研制箱涵排水疏通移动机器人的自动控制系统,保证机器人在箱涵中自由排污疏通,是箱涵排污疏通机器人的设计研制的核心部分。控制系统核心部分就是超声波测距仪的研制。因此,设计好的超声波测距仪就显得非常重要了。 介绍了一种以A T 89C2051 单片机为核心, 利用超声波的特性设计出低成本、高精度测距仪的方法。给出了这种测距仪的硬件原理电路和主要的软件设计思路,用Psp ice 对硬件的主要部分进行了模拟仿真。根据理论分析和试验统计对设计进行改进, 电路达到了预期的效果。 关键词:AT89C2051; 超声波;测距 Abstract With the development of science and technology, the improvement of peoples tandard of living, speeding up the development and construction of the city. Urban rainage system have greatly developed their situation is constantly improving. However,due to historical reasons many unpredictable factors in the synthesis of her time, the city drainage system. In particular drainage system often lags behind urban construction.Therefore, there are often good building excavation has been building facilities to upgrade the drainage system phenomenon. It brought to the city sewage, and it is clear to the city sewage and drainage culvert in the sewage treatment system. comfort is very important to peoples lives. Mobile robots designed to clear the drainage culvert and the automatic control system Free sewage culvert clear guarantee robot, the robot is designed to clear the culvert sewage to the core. Control System is the core component of the development of ultrasonic range finder. Therefore, it is very important to design a good ultrasonic range finder. A kind of u lt rason ic telem eter based on A T 89C205 is in t roduced. Th is telem eter is provided w ith som e m er it s such as low co st and h igh2accu racy becau se of the u lt rason ic w ave character ist ic. The hardw are p r incip le elect r ic circu it and them ain sof tw are design idea are show ed. The sim u lat ion of the m ain par t of the hardw are has been done w ith P sp ice. A t last, acco rding to the theo ret ical analysis and the exper ience s


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