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更多精品资料尽在我的主页 毕 业 论 文 题 目 服装款式设计——休闲女装 学 生 柳娜 指导教师 宋媛 教授 年 级 2008级 专 业 艺术设计 系 别 视觉系 学 院 黑龙江三江美术职业学院 2011年6 摘 要 这一系列款式采用宽松的裁剪方法,既休闲又舒适,在设计上除了采用褶皱、系带、和蝴蝶结突出其休闲带有一点可爱外,里面也加入一直都大热的印花,独特具有艺术性的印花图案增加了款式的时尚性。选用舒适素一点的贴身针织面料,力求在简单舒适休闲的款式中用生动灵活的细节设计展现女装休闲可爱又不失时尚性。 论文综合了服装设计和女装制作等的理论知识和搜集的资料,结合2010春夏休闲女装的流行趋势,在面料选择、色彩搭配和款式设计上强调休闲,加入当今流行元素塑造时尚。论文主要内容包括资料搜集调查、款式设计、纸样制作及服装制作等。 关键词:休闲 印花 针织 时尚 ABSTRACT This series of clothing design uses the loose cutting out method,both leisure and comfortable,except uses the fold, the department belt in the design,and the butterfly knot highlights its leisure to have one lovably outside,main is inside joins continuously all the popular dye printing design,had the artistic dye printing design to increase the design fashion uniquely。Selects comfortable element next to the skin lining,makes every effort lovable not to lose the fashion in the simple comfortable leisure design with the vivid nimble detailing development female attire leisure。 The thesis synthesized the dress designing and the female dress making and so on,the theory knowledge and the collection material,unifies 2010 spring summer leisure female attire the popular tendency,in the material choice,color matching and the design design emphasizes the leisure,joins is popular now the element mold fashion。The thesis primary coverage including material collection investigation,style design, pattern manufacture and clothing manufacture and so on。 Keywords:leisure printing knitting fashion 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc264494485 第一章 休闲女装的时尚潮流 PAGEREF _Toc264494485 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264494486 1.1休闲与休闲女装 PAGEREF _Toc264494486 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264494487 1.2休闲女装的分类 PAGEREF _Toc264494487 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264494488 1.3休闲女装流行趋势 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264494489 1.4休闲女装前景展望 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264494490 第二章 确定休闲女装设计方案 6 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264494491 2.1灵感来源 6 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264494492 2.2确定设计主题 7 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2644



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