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摘 要 随着经济的发展,企业面向大型化、规模化发展,对于大中型企业来说,员工、职称等与工资管理有关的信息随之急剧增加。工资管理是公司管理的一个重要内容,是一种典型的管理系统,详细介绍了以前台VB.NET与后台SQL Server 2000为语言编写管理信息系统的过程。其开发主要包括后台的数据库的建立、维护以及前端的相应应用程序的开发两个方面的内容,系统的建立和维护主要要求其管理数据的系统性、规范性、自动性等特点,而前台的应用程序开发则要求做到各项功能要完备、操作要简便、易学易用等特点。 阐述了IIS系统基本理论,详细介绍了从工资管理系统分析到总体设计详细设计与实现及测试的各个环节,利用其能快速地构建各类对象,特别是数据窗口,既能方便而简洁的操纵数据库又是最具特色的智能化控件,在短时间内快速建立起系统的原型,然后再对原型不断地根据需要进行修正和改进。 本系统具备完善的人事档案管理功能,工资报表的自动生成、修改功能,查询功能,公用意见箱功能。可方便的为企业完成人事信息管理、财务监察管理以及内部信息交流等重要工作,更便于公司领导掌握人员的动向,及时调整人才的分配,同时也减少了手工操作带来的一些繁琐与不便,使员工情况的记录和统计变得十分简单。这些优点可以极大的提高企业对工资管理的效率。因此,人事工资管理系统是企事业信息化、智能化、科学化和正规化不可缺少的管理软件。 关键字:企业工资管理系统;SQL Server 2000;VB.NET;数据库 Abstract Along with economical development, enterprises face large-scale, scale development. For the large and middle scale enterprise, the information related wages management as staff and title and so on, also sharply grows. The wages management is a corporate management important content, is a typical management system. It introduced take onstage ASP and backstage SQL Server 2000 as the language compilation management information systems process in detail. Its development mainly includes the backstage database establishment, the maintenance as well as the front of the corresponding application procedure development two aspects contents. The system establishment and maintenance of the main demands of its data management systematic, standardized, automatic nature and so on, and the onstage application procedure development requests to achieve each function, simple to operate, easy to learn and use, and other characteristics. It elaborated the IIS system elementary theory, introduced analyzes form the wages management system to design to detailed design and implement and test each segments, use its can fast constructed each kind of object, specially data window, both convenient and simple manipulation of the database is the most unique Intelligent Controls, in the short time the fast establishment the system prototype, and then continue on to the


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