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2012年第03期,第45卷 通 信 技 术 Vol.45,No.03,2012
总第 243期 Communications Technology No.243,Totally
·网 络·
基于Linux+ARM9的 Wi-Fi 网络图形化设计与实现
陈 新, 翁秋华
(福州大学 物理与信息工程学院,福建 福州 350108)
【摘 要】为了满足无线网络不断增长的需求,在要求速率不断提高和 3G 资费偏高的情况下,考虑到
当前使用以太网建立热点方便,使用 Wi-Fi(Wireless Fidelity)上网成为一种比较理想选择。通过设计
Linux 操作系统下基于三星 S3C2440 处理器 ARM 体系的 Wi-Fi 网络,并运用 Qt creator 集成工具开发了友
好的网络连接界面应用软件。实验结果表明,所设计的 Wi-Fi网络能够在软件操控下使用简单,通信稳定,
【关键词】Wireless Fidelity;Linux;ARM;无线
【中图分类号】TP316.2 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1002-0802(2012)03-0060-03
Design and Implementation of Wi-Fi Network Graph based on Linux+ARM9
CHEN Xin, WENG Qiu-hua
(Department of Physics and Information Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou Fujian 350108, China)
【Abstract】To meet the growing demands for wireless network and for net speed, in the condition
of 3G’s high charge, and in consideration of the convenience to establish hot spots through
Ethernet, Wi-Fi(Wireless Fidelity) becomes a fairly ideal choice for connecting to the Internet.
By designing Wi-Fi network of ARM hierachy based on Samsung S3C2440 processor in Linux operation
system and using integrated tools of Qt creator, an application software with friendship network
connection interface is successfully developed. The experimental results show that the designed
Wi-Fi network, under the control of developed software, is easy in use, reliable in communication
and high in speed, and is now successfully applied to the project’s development of network
【Key words】Wi-Fi(Wireless Fidelity); Linux; ARM; wireless
0 引言 术已经广泛应用于各种便捷式电子产品的开发,其