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摘 要
关键词: 框架结构; 结构设计; 石油大厦;荷载; 配筋;
This design is Construction Oil Mansion Office Building, a structure of reinforced concrete
frame.The steps of Frame design brief are as follows: The first part is building design, according to the request made by Party A combination of topography, functional requirements, traffic flow lines, and the design specifications, such as the construction design and construction plans drawn. The second part is borne by the statistical structure of load, and beams, columns,and so on a cross-section design, worked out after the roof and the appearance of constant load, live loads, wind loads and seismic loads and calculation drawn diagram of the end for internal forces Portfolio. The third part is through the combination of internal forces table to calculate the structure of beams, columns, foundation, the stairs of the reinforcement, given the floor, foundation and the structural design of the stairs, and in the inter-edge according to a two-way inter-floor plate, in the column And edge-of-the basis of the strip are based on the design, side-by-design basis independently. Finally, the results will be calculated structure of the structure of the construction plans to make.
Key words: Frame; Structure design; Oil Mansion; Load; Reinforcement
目 录
绪 论 1
1 设计题目及设计资料 2
1.1 设计题目:武汉市硚口区石油大厦建筑结构设计 2
1.2 设计资料 2
1.2.1 气象资料 2
1.2.2 地质资料 2 工程地质 2 水文地质 2 地震工程地质 2
2 建筑设计 3
2.1 设计概要 3
2.2 建筑平面设计 3
2.2.1 使用空间组合 3
2.2.2 房间使用面积、形状、大小的确定 3
2.2.3 门的大小及位置确定 3
2.2.4 窗的大小及位置确定 4
2.2.5 公共用房 4
2.2.6 水平交通联系部分:走廊、过道 4
2.2.7 楼梯 4
2.2.8 交通联系枢纽──门厅 4
2.3 建
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